Christmas Special fair

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(River Island pants, Zara booties, vintage Ysl sweater, Mango jacket, Bershka scarf, vintage hat, no name bag) 

EN: Less than two weeks ago I went to this local Christmas fair that was held to raise money for charity. At first, I didn’t want to go – it was snowing like hell and it was really cold and I would have had to go to the other side of town just to get there – however, I managed to drag my friend Sandra with me and that’s how I went out the door. Being held for the first time, the event was not that big but the atmosphere was so warm and cozy and everything looked so pretty and lovely! There were sold mainly handmade and bio/eco products but also some vintage and I was lucky enough to snatch a gorgeous statement leather belt with huge gold detailing! I love it, it’s one of my favourite pieces to wear at the moment… Anyway, before leaving the fair I entered this raffle, super confident I won’t win a thing (I never do) and surprise surprise, after a few hours I got a call saying I won something. Ha! I couldn’t belive my eyes! Next day I went to pick up my prize, and, as I got home and unpacked it, I found a few lovely things amongh which the snowman candle, the cute handmade star and the pretty canvas you can see above. Aren’t they pretty? I especially have a soft spot for the snowman… You see, it’s made by a child with disabilities (the fair was for them, to raise money for them, those in need) and I usually get very emotional about this sort of things… 
Anyway, I wore my most comfortable pair of pants (can you see their sparkle?) with a few pairs of tights layered underneath (yes, a few. I’m always cold!), my vintage YSL sweater, a very warm Mango denim jacket and the obligatory winter accessories: hat, gloves and scarf. 

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! 

RO: Va vorbeam in postarea asta despre Targul de Craciun Christmas Special. 
Am fost. Chiar imi aduc aminte ca ninsese in ziua aia, era un frig crancen si nu stiam cu ce sa ma mai infofolesc sa nu inghet pana ajung la locatie (fyi, iar am avut cateva perechi de ciorapi si colanti pe dedesubtul pantalonilor; stiu ca pare mult si unii suporta mai bine frigul, dar in cazul meu…MI-E FRIG DE MOR! Si chiar port multe astfel de straturi 🙂 Ma rog, vedeti ca am sclipici pe pantaloni? Vedeti, vedeti? :> ) Revenind la targ…am fost cu Sandra acolo. Ne-am foit printre standuri initial (unul singur a fost de vintage dar suficient – mi-am luat o super curea de acolo! Iar Sandra si-a luat cercei – restul fiind standurile asociatiilor, pline cu produse handmade si bio), dupa care am stat la un ceai cu ea si Raluca (cea despre care va spuneam ca s-a ocupat de organizare). Per total un eveniment foarte dragut, o atmosfera calda si un mediu prietenos, dar nu un eveniment fashion. Fondurile obtinute prin bilete si vanzari (cat si colecta de jucarii organizata) au venit in sprijinul asociatiilor si a copiilor defavorizati – dupa cum va spuneam, un eveniment mai putin comercial, care sprijina o cauza nobila. S-a organizat si-o tombola…Si stiti ce e comic? (pauza de efect) 
Comic e ca am fost una dintre castigatori! Eu! Eu, cea care pana si punga de pufuleti cu surprize o nimereste fara surpriza ( daca stiti, pungile alea au automat o jucarie, o ceva in interior. TOATE. Nu e cu tragere la sorti sau pe baza de noroc…Pur si simplu cumperi si gasesti acolo o chestie de plastic, mamă ce surpriză. Eh, eu nici p’aia n-o gasesc. Nimeresc pungile goale. Asa-s de baftoasa :> ) Si culmea, la vreo cateva ore dupa ce plecasem de la targ, m-a sunat Raluca sa-mi spuna ca mi-a extras o fetita numele din urnă. Ha! Premiul meu a constat in produse de la targ (cateva dintre ele le vedeti in imaginile de mai sus – in caz ca va intrebati ce-i cu ele). Initial n-am stiut ce am castigat (punga fiind capsată) dar cand am ajuns acasa si-am vazut ce-i in ea, in special lumanarea, mi s-au cam inmuiat picioarele… 
La targ, vorbind cu Raluca, si povestindu-mi despre expozanti, mi-a vorbit despre standul cu lumanari. Lumanarile (inclusiv omul de zapada despre care va scriu aici) sunt facute de copii cu dizabilitati. Acum…nu stiu cat de bine-mi potrivesc cuvintele sau cat interes prezinta subiectul, dar pentru mine, povestea, momentul si senzatia au fost (si sunt) pline de incarcatura emotionala. Trebuie sa ma izbesc cu capul de lucruri de genul asta ca sa imi dau seama ca defapt n-am o viata chiar atat de nenorocita. Ca sunt zdravana si normala, (ca inca am loc pe usa, ahem) iar ai mei sunt bine si traim decent. Ca am mai mult decat as avea nevoie si sunt altii pentru care lumea nu se sfarseste fara sandale YSL si vacante in Malibu. Deh, my superficial self…


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