Last night, while I was browsing online, I came across some old magazines such as Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar. I have a huge folder on my computer with vintage photos, adverts and editorials but covers are usually something hard to find (I only collect stuff from the 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and the 70’s; I don’t like 80’s magazines). So, I was sitting here looking at these covers, desperatly trying to save them on my computer(as if they ran away or something-paranoia, I know) and thinking…wow…how could something be so beautiful? The photos are just breathtaking, I loooove the make up, the clothes-you can imagine how I drool but my favourite thing has to be these women’s body shapes. Those tiny tiiiiiiiiiiny waists, always cinched with a belt are driving me nuts!
Here are some of my favourites…
Azi noapte, in timp ce bantuiam online, am gasit niste reviste vechi (scanari ma refer) ca Vogue sau Harper’s Bazaar. Tin in computer un folder imens cu poze, reclame si editoriale vintage dar din cate am observat eu, copertile sunt in general greu de gasit ( nu colectionez decat pe cele din anii 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 si 70; astea de la 80 in sus nu-mi plac deloc). Stateam lipita de ecran, uitandu-ma la coperti si incercand disperata sa le salvez ( de parca dispareau in secunda urmatoare sau cadea curentul-paranoia, da) si ma gandeam…wow…cum poate ceva sa fie atat de frumos? Fotografiile ma lasa fara grai, machiajul e splendid iar hainele…mai are rost sa spun cum imi ploua in gura? 🙂) Insa, ce imi place cel mai mult este forma corpului acestor femei. Taliile acelea miiiiiiici mici, intotdeauna incinse de o curea, ma obsedeaza!
Iata o parte din favoritele mele…

Look at that waistline!
Priviti talia aceasta!
This cover and the next one are from 1933. How cool is that?
Coperta aceasta si urmatoarea sunt din 1933. Tare, nu?
My personal favorite is this one, a vogue cover from 1961
Dintre toate, preferata mea este aceasta, o coperta vogue din 1961
Vogue cover from 1917
Coperta Vogue din 1917
A 60’s editorial
Un editorial din anii 60
An amazing Yves Saint Laurent editorial:
Un superb editorial Yves Saint Laurent:
I love her haircut!
Imi place tunsoarea ei!
Aaaaaahhhh, those dresses!
Aaaaaahhhh, rochiile alea!
This is a Christian Dior advert from the 50’s
Aceasta este o reclama Christian Dior din anii 50
Hopefully one day I’ll own some of these magazines – I dream. And wish : )
Sper ca intr-o zi o sa pun mana pe genul acesta de reviste- Visez. Si-mi doresc : )