Not even once

EN: I think I’m starting to develop an obsession with wide legged or flared pants. And the obsession is turning into collection. This may seem as a disagreement with myself and what I always say, that I feel better wearing skirts and dresses instead of pants, don’t you think? Well, I think it’s all about the shape. This type of wide legged pants, like the ones I’m wearing today, have this great cut that makes my legs feel free, almost untouched by the fabric and me feeling like I wear a skirt. And sometimes, they do look as a skirt.
Anyway, I tried more than one combo before getting to this final outfit and my first options were all about a fitted upper part and the loose bootom. That of course, would be the best choice (especially for non-tall gals like me) but let’s not forget about belts and how well they can play with proportions and give structure to an outfit. So I started with the loose pants, added the printed shirt (which is too big for me), then the drapped vest and finished off the look with a waist belt and some accessories. I love the final result, especially the juxtaposition of textures and colors! Of course I could’ve tucked the shirt into the pants and give up the vest and the belt, but that would’ve been too boring, too common and too lacking of personality. And that never happens in my world:P

RO: Cred ca am inceput sa dezvolt o obsesie pentru pantalonii largi sau evazati. Obsesie care degenereaza in colectie. Ar putea parea ca ma contrazic singura, nu-i asa? Avand in vedere de cate ori am afirmat ca ma simt mai bine in fuste si-n rochii decat in pantaloni… Ei bine, cred ca explicatia rezulta din croiala. Genul acesta de pantaloni, ca cei pe care ii port in postarea de astazi, sunt croiti de asa natura incat imi simt picioarele libere, abia mi se ating de material (gratie excesului) si imi dau senzatia ca defapt as purta o fusta lunga, nicidecum pantaloni. Priviti din anumite unghiuri, chiar pot parea fusta. Am incercat mai multe variante inainte de a ajunge la tinuta pe care o vedeti in poze, m-am jucat cu proportiile si culorile si am vrut initial sa aleg ceva mai stramt pe corp pentru partea de sus. Asa ar fi fost normal si corect din punct de vedere al regulilor pe care le gasiti pe orice site sau revista de moda: balansarea jumatatii inferioare cu cea superioara. Mai pe romaneste, ti-ai luat ceva larg in partea de jos, iti iei ceva mai stramt in partea de sus. Si invers. Ceea ce e corect. In caz contrar, mai ales pentru duduile ca mine, neinzestrate cu picioare pana-n gat si multi cm in inaltime, apare efectul piticului bondoc, inghitit de masele de material fara forma sau structura. O alta varianta pentru echilibrarea proportiilor, care mie personal imi place mai mult, tine de centuri. In cazul de fata, camasa pe care o port imi e cu vreo 3-4 numere mai mari, vesta e pe marimea mea, insa tot ar fi aratat lalai si drept de colo pana colo daca nu ma foloseam de curea. Imi place mult juxtapunerea de texturi si forme care a iesit! Puteam eventual sa bag camasa in pantaloni si sa renunt la vesta drapata si curea, insa era prea banal, prea plictisitor, prea inspid, prea lipsit de sare si piper. Iar asta, in lumea mea, nu se intampla niciodata:P




Pants/Pantaloni: River Island
Shirt/Camasa: thrifted
Vest/Vesta: Topshop
Belt/Curea: vintage Escada
Sunnies/Ochelari de soare: vintage Ray-Ban
Bag/Geanta: Mango
Jewellery/Bijuterii: vintage and no name



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