Skirts in

As you can see, the snow hasn’t melted yet but at least the ice did(most of it). Still, the cold ain’t stopping me from wearing short dresses, skirts and shorts and I just couldn’t wait anymore to take my Litas outside. I’m addicted to short stuff lately so I decided to wear this bodycon skirt (she feels a little neglected so I hope i’ll wear it more often:D)and I’m very into making light summery fabrics work in the winter.

Din cate se vede, tot n-am scapat de zapada dar macar s-a mai dus din gheata(cel putin o parte). Cu toate astea, frigul nu ma opreste din a purta rochii scurte, fuste sau pantaloni scurti si chiar nu mai aveam rabdare sa-mi scot Litele la plimbare. Am devenit dependeta de chestii scurte in ultimul timp asa incat am decis sa port fusta aceasta(n-am prea purtat-o deloc si se simte putin neglijata din cauza asta:D dar sper sa o scot la soare mai des pe viitor) si chiar mi-am propus sa gasesc o cale de a purta mai mult lucruri de vara in timpul iernii.

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Sorry for the crappy background, I first tried to shoot these photos in the town but you can imagine the stares and comments so I had to leave without getting any decent shots.

Scuze pentru porcaria asta de fundal; am incercat mai intai sa facem cateva poze in oras dar va dati seama ca n-am putut:> Oameni care se holbeaza, cretini care comenteaza, tot tacamul:> ca sa fie de-a dreptul imposibil sa iasa niste poze decente.

Skirt/Fusta: Primark
Sweater/Pulover: Vintage
Shoes/Botine: Jeffrey Campbell Litas
Hat and jewellery/Palarie si bijuterii: New Yorker
Glasses/Ochelari: Vintage



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