(old Zara jeans, vintage Yves Saint Laurent shirt, H&M sandals, Oasap bag, Oasap sunnies)
(vintage Levi jeans, thrifted shirt, Zara sandals, H&M hat, vintage belt)
EN: So here are my last weekend outfits. For some reason, all I’ve been wearing lately (or at least, most of the time) are boyfriend jeans: vintage levi jeans or ripped, distressed ones. They are comfortable and I like that casual, I don’t care feeling that they give me. Both Saturday and Sunday, I went to the mall to buy a gift for my mom’s birthday. I wanted to get her a pair of new shoes (yes, the addiction runs in the family), some strappy sandals or something and I thought this would be an easy task with all the sales going on. Wrong. My mom has small feet, actually the smallest size there is, and I couldn’t find even one single pair of shoes in a size US 6/UK 3/EU 36. Not even for me, a size US 8/UK 6/EU 39 I couldn’t find much. At least not what I really wanted (feeling a bit jealous on you ladies with big feet). But here is what I did got…
RO: Pe sistem de turma, postez si eu azi cateva fotografii cu textile intinse pe podea. Am purtat chestiile astea in weekend (iar saptamana trecuta, cred ca 3 zile din 5 m-am imbracat tot cu variatii de jeansi jigariti sau vintage) intr-un soi de mega relaxare si nepasare, doar de dragul confortului. Am fost sa-i caut maica mii un cadou pentru ziua ei (ce dragut, n-am gasit inca), niste ceva de incaltat vroiam sa-i iau. Si fiind reduceri cam peste tot…zic, hai ca trebuie sa gasesc ceva misto la incaltaminte. Am gasit. Multe. Marimea 41. Mama poarta 36. Da, da, rezolvabil cu niste juma’ de punga de vata, dar la sandale ce faci? Ba-ba-bi-bam. Nu i-am mai luat nimic, cred ca nu fac nicio afacere cu reducerile pentru ea – defapt, n-am gasit absolut nimic sub marimea 38, daramite 36. Pentru mine insa…
Clockwise, starting at the top-left : brown sandals with flower detail – bought these ones and the next pair from a local store, Miniprix, which sells stuff for super cheap prices; lilac suede sandals – Miniprix; blue metallic sandals – H&M (really comfortable pair, in a gorgeous shade of blue – apologies for the bad lighting); blue suede sandals with gold heel – Zara (I actually had to fight with a girl for this pair, it was the last one in my size); nude studded sandals – Zara again (love this pair. No, I adore it); and last but not least, H&M pink flat sandals – nothing special, just a pair of simple plain sandals for those days when my feet are in recovery.
Ca o fiica binecuvantata cu picior cu 2-3 marimi mai mari, am avut bafta de a mai prinde cate ceva redus. Si-am luat asa (de la stanga la dreapta, incepand cu “raftul” de sus): sandale cu floare – Miniprix (reduceri grosolane), sandale lila – Miniprix again, sandale cu toc albastru metalic – H&M (ultima pereche), sandale albastre cu toc auriu – Zara (macel a fost la astea, inca nu-mi dau seama cum am reusit sa prind 39le. In schimb mai erau vreo 6 perechi de 41), sandale maro cu tine – Zara (a trebuit sa umblu in 2 malluri pentru ele dar sunt super incantata ca le-am gasit; iarasi, ultima pereche), sandale cu talpa joasa si barete roz –H&M. Bineinteles, mi-as fi dorit multe alte modele si ma dusesem dupa cu totul altceva dar…na. Ce sa fac. Maladie.
Also, besides the shoes, I bought a red medium size bag from Zara (what I like most about this bag is the size – not too small, not too big, just perfect for a girl like me), 2 cotton t-shirts ( vital for summer, I can’t live without cotton during these months) and a gooooorgeooous retro printed skirt from ASOS. Unfortunately it’s sold out at the moment but the matching top is still available here 🙂
Pe langa incaltari – pentru ca evident, in ceea ce ma priveste, pornim intotdeauna de la axioma conform careia NU am cu ce ma incalta – am mai luat: o geanta rosie de la Zara (si asta era ultima; e dragutica si vesela dar cel mai mult imi place dimensiunea – nu e genul de geanta miniaturala pentru gradinita dar nici XXL, cum se purtau acum cativa ani), 2 tricouri de bumbac si o fusta midi de la ASOS pe care abia astept s-o port.
Cam asta ar fi ce-am cumparat eu la reduceri deocamdata. Zic deocamdata pentru ca sezonul nu s-a terminat inca (mu.ha.ha.ha.ha) si mai am cateva chestii pe lista :-“
From Zara, I also wanted to get this white lace, beaded skirt. A beautiful piece, very delicate and elegant, but somehow I couldn’t convince myself to buy it. Perhaps because of the boxy shape? You know me, I like skirts that are fitted around the waist and hips 🙂
So that’s pretty much it.
How about you? What have you been buying during this summer sale?
Am mai vrut sa iau de la Zara si fusta asta din dantela alba, cu margelute si pietricele cusute. Era foarte frumoasa si arata splendid pe umeras (poate as fi avut probleme odata ce s-ar fi dus dracu margelele) dar croita ATAT de prost, zici ca era facuta pentru frate-miu. Dreapta de colo pana colo, n-avea pic de forma. N-am luat-o.
Voi? Sunteti profitoare sau nu?
De reduceri bineinteles.