
So here is part I of my weekend photos…
Fagaras Castle, a military fortress and residence of the Princes of Transylvania
(Transylvania? Dracula, the blood sucker, boo? Ringing a bell? Well, not his castle this one but close enough)
Not a beer drinker myself but someone likes to make fun of me. Ha. Ha. Ha.
For the most part, I ate and drank only (extremely delicious) junk food and this yummy ice-cream frappe was particularly good…
The castle was surrounded by a lake populated by these beautiful swans. They were so pretty and surprisingly friendly! I had to take their picture. Or 30 of them.
Yep, I received got that Zara necklace that everybody seems to have. Absolutely beautiful but a bit too expensive I have to say…
(River Island skirt, thrifted sweater, Zara booties and necklace, New Yorker bag, River Island bracelets)

As for my outfit, this is what I wore the first night. I was starving to death so we first went to grab dinner and afterwards for sightseeing. A relatively empty city, very quiet and relaxing, just as I like it.
I decided to only pack comfortable, versatile pieces that I can interchange without too much effort so
I took with me just this pair of booties (can you believe it?!? Me neither). I paired it here with a River Island skirt (remember the pink version? I loved it so much that I bought this white one as well), a thick, comfy jumper I thrifted last year-to keep me warm, my new bag and some pretty jewellery.
Good enough for me.

RO: V-am amenintat in postarea trecuta cu niste poze : iata-le! Asta e doar prima parte, mai am vreo 3 serii pe care urmeaza sa le uploadez zilele urmatoare dar am zis sa le iau cronologic.
Asadar, am ajuns in Fagaras vineri dupa amiaza (stiati ca e oras? Posibil sa fiu doar eu varza dar traiam cu senzatia ca e doar o chestie din jurul Brasovului, nu ca ar fi fost declarat oras-shame on me), fara prea multe traiste dar obosita moarta dupa multe ore de drum cu plecare din Bucuresti, NU din Buzau. Deci timp suplimentar pierdut pe drumuri :>
Anyway, cazare, despachetat, zacut un pic, si abia seara am mers sa cautam ceva de mancare, cu toate ca eram lihnita. Nestiind orasul si mergand fara directie, ne-am foit dintr-un capat in altul in cautarea unei pizzerii, un pub, o bodega, un local dracului ceva unde sa se poate manca, pentru a descoperi ca era o pizzerie chiar la 2 minute de hotel. Superb.
Orasul nu e cine stie ce-nu sunt prea multe de facut afara de vizitat cetatea si cateva manastiri, dar e linistit iar aerul e rece si curat. Pentru cineva ca mine care se fereste de aglomeratie, a fost placut 🙂
Am baut treburi d’alea verzi si rosii, nu stiu cum le zice (poza 3 si 8), pline de chimicale banuiesc-ca de altfel cam 80% din ce am mancat iar de imbracat, cum va spuneam, am plecat doar cu ce a incaput in geanta aia de o am pe umar si botinele din picioare. O sa le vedeti si in postarile ce urmeaza.
Purtate aici cu o fusta de la River Island (va aduceti aminte de asta ? E la fel, doar ca pe alb), un pulover gros pescuit anul trecut dintr-un second, geanta noua si nelipsitele gablonturi.
Comod si suficient de chic pentru mine.


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