Cheers to that

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(old Zara jeans, Mini Prix sandals, no name top, Oasap bag, H&M earrings, River Island bracelet)

EN: Normally, the last thing I want to talk about here on TOTH, is the weather. However, every year at approximately this time, when the air is crisp and the days are getting chillier, when the light is changing and we get to see those gorgeous september sunsets in deep coral hues, I begin to fall for chunky knits, cashmere, layers, boots and scarves. I still can’t realise how it came to be nearly autumn, but I sure am excited about saying goodbye to the scorching heat! Not so much to sandals and bare legs, but hey, sometimes you gotta compromise, right? I already started searching for the perfect pair of boots at DUO and I can’t wait to go home and unpack my leather jackets and some of my light sweaters. Currently, I’m really into wearing knits with pencil skirts or something similar to what Cara Delevingne wore in this beautiful Vogue Uk editorial. If only I could find a sweater like that!
So yesterday was one of those days that seemed to drift by in slow motion. I literally spent my day in bed, sleeping, watching movies, drinking hot chocolate and organising stuff, after a long week and an extremely agitated start of the weekend. And this one has been all about going out, enjoying spending time with fun people, delectable food (and too many drinks), and ariving home at 5 a.m. Cheers to that and so, a long good-bye to august and summer. 
Welcome autumn and I hope you had a beautiful weekend as well!
RO: Ultimul lucru de care imi doresc in general sa vorbesc atunci cand scriu o postare, e vremea. De multe ori nu ma pot abtine (a se vedea cazurile dureroase, tragice si masochiste din arhivele de iarna, cand viata pentru mine devine gen LOST, o lupta continua spre a apuca ziua de maine) sau am un blocaj in creieraj si nu-s in stare sa adun nimic coerent de publicat pe blog. Azi (pentru voi ieri), cum ma asezasem in pat cu laptopul in brate, pusa pe smenozeala scripturistica, am vazut prin geamul deschis culoare aurie. Pe frunze. Care ele inca verzi, dar apus de soare fiind, lumina era rosiatica si ricosa frumos pe stanga danselor. M-am ridicat bam bam din pat si m-am dus tiptil la geam. M-am cocotat pe varfuri, m-am lasat jumate pe pervaz – doar doar de-oi vedea mai bine in dreapta, unde apunele soarele, si-am stat asa vreo 5 minute pana s-a dus dracului de tot. N-am reusit sa vad nici rază – prea multe cladiri gri in blocare dă camp vizual, dar am ajuns la 2 concluzii (marete, marete I tell you!):
1) Dan Spataru nu stiu sigur, dar vara daca n-a murit, e pe ducă soto.
2) Am nevoie de bluze cu maneca lunga asap. Cat am stat cocotata acolo pe geam, se simtea un aer rece – placut dar rece – de care m-am lovit acum vreo 2 seri afara si ma tot lovesc in fiecare dimineata. L-am ignorat in aste ocazii dar vad ca nu…e aici ca sa ramana.
Si ma bucur intr-un fel. O sa plang dupa sandale (cum am plans si dupa astea din poze, care e rupte si la gunoi) dar privesc cu incredere inspre nametii si cancerul ce va sa vie, ca macar mai schimb fasonul 🙂


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