Hanover Street

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(Koton faux fur vest, New look blouse, Topshop booties, vintage belt and sunnies, H&M earrings, River Island bracelets)

Since a few days ago was Mother’s day, I spent the day with my favorite ladies, my mom and grandma. She cooked for us the most delicious lunch and afterwards we went shopping for shoes (doh, what else if not shoes?) and then we took grandma to a beauty salon to get her hair done. 
This year I really had no idea what to get my mother but I was debating whether to buy her some jewellery or this perfume I knew she wanted. Bought her jewellery in the end, a very delicate golden ring with tiny sparkly rhinestones that looked wonderful on her hand. In the evening we watched an old movie (Hanover Street, one of my mom’s favorites) and enjoyed some delicious mouth-watering pizza while dressed in comfy pajamas. All and all, it was a very happy and relaxing day; I love spending time with my mom and grandma! 
My outfit was pretty casual, I started with the jeans and dressed them up with heels and golden jewellery. After a few hours my feet were killing me, so I had to change the boots with something more comfortable…




  1. steffy
    martie 11, 2013 / 10:16 am

    in parcul Tineretului,nu?
    foarte frumoase cizmele.

  2. martie 11, 2013 / 10:33 am

    @steffy: Dap. Buzoiancă, Steffy? 😛

  3. martie 11, 2013 / 12:29 pm

    Parcul Tineretului <3 mi-e dor de casa 😛 frumos outfit

  4. Georgiana
    martie 11, 2013 / 1:04 pm

    Ce ciudat imi e sa te vad in negru, cu toate ca te prinde bine! Frumos ca petreceti timpul impreuna, trei generatii de femei!

  5. martie 11, 2013 / 1:35 pm

    Tu esti definitia perfectiunii <3

  6. martie 11, 2013 / 1:39 pm

    @Emma Davidson: Thank you so much, Emma!

    @adinas: Si mie 🙂 Mercic!

    @Georgiana: Haha, da, chiar e ceva ciudat cand ma imbrac in negru. De la vreme mi s-a tras oricum 🙂
    Referitor la femeile din viata mea, ele doua sunt cele mai importante, la modul ca am doua mame, nu una. Iar cand sunt acasa, la Buzau, cu ele petrec cel mai mult timp – separat insa, pentru ca nu locuim impreuna. Cand suntem toate 3…mama e circul absolut, eu dupa ea, iar bunica mea cea care ne tempereaza. E ok babatia oricum, percuteaza rapid la glume :))

    @Raisa: Tu esti prea draguta :*

  7. steffy
    martie 21, 2013 / 10:10 am

    da, buzoianca. te citesc de ceva timp dar nu am mai comentat pana acum :p

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