(River Island skirt and bracelet, no name cropped sweater, Forever 21 shoes, vintage red Escada belt, Topshop coat, vintage beret)
EN: Less than a month till Christmas and I’m pretty much starting to feel it… I’m not 100% festive yet, but, slowly but surely I’m getting there! I’ll soon start digging out the Christmas decoration boxes and go shopping for gifts (though I have no idea what to give my folks this year) and I can barely wait for the holiday parties to start! I already have my outfits planned – I’ll probably change my mind about a zillion times before then, but I can assure you I’m going to be all sparkly and glamorous.
Dresses? Checked Plenty to choose from
Fabulous jewellery? Checked
Keanu Reeves? Ahm… Hopefully under my Christmas tree.
Done. Ready to party!
Now onto the outfit… This week I officially pulled out all of my winter coats. Remember this pretty red number by Topshop? It used to have big, black buttons and a different belt but I recently did a little diy to it by replacing the buttons with some gold vintage ones and changing the belt with a thrifted gold one. I really like this sort of touches that give personality to an outfit and make it unique and I think gold really makes anything look more expensive!
Also, I’m wearing my Forever 21 Miu Miu-esque platform shoes. Can’t believe it’s been so long since I last wore these! They are so pretty and surprisingly comfy… I was so obsessed with these babies that I paid triple their value just to have them. (FIY, Forever 21 does not ship to Romania so I had to pay other people to deliver them to me. Basically, I paid more for the shipping than I did for the shoes.)
RO: Bineinteles ca CINEVA a facut glume comuniste/ceausiste despre bascalia mea. Nu l-am prins pe individ (de Ceausescu zic), a decedat cu vreun an jumate inainte sa vietuiesc eu, dar cumva, lumea are permanent senzatia ca-i invoc mostenirea atunci cand port palariute de genul asta. Indiferent de culoare, model sau detalii.
N-am prietene treaba cu nea Nicu, e doar in capul tau. Eu o ard french aici, Rembrandt in cel mai pretentios caz, si tu-mi spui de pionieri si tineretul comunist.
Invidie… Ti-am spus ca te roade.
Ok, am facut pozele undeva in parcare la Ikea zilele trecute. A fost destul de cald saptamana asta (neobisnuit chiar), astfel ca mi-am permis, probabil pentru ultima data pe anul asta, sa ma imbrac subtire si sa port pantofi. Bluza e defapt un tricotaj subtire, model scurt, cropped, luat din magazinul acela de la Cismigiu (cele din Bucuresti stiti sigur despre ce vorbesc). Are eticheta taiata deci n-am idee de referinte dar suspectez c-ar fi ceva H&M.
Mai tineti minte paltonul? Saptamana asta mi-am scos aproape toate hainile de iarna din cutii (toate, mai putin pufoseniile blanoase) iar asteia in special, i-am facut cateva modificari. Adica. Am luat nasturii de la o jacheta mai veche (nu m-am gandit sa cer cateva poze de aproape, dar au un model foarte interesant, in relief, cu lei) si i-am cusut in locul acelora negrii, mari si…urati pe care ii avea din fabrica. I-am schimbat si cureaua rosie din talie cu o alta curea aurie si i-am dat jos de tot gulerul acela de blanita artificiala. Imi place mai mult asa, mi se pare ca arata mai “pretioasa”. Vreau sa fac acelasi lucru cu alte 2 haini (cel putin partea cu nasturii) dar pentru asta trebuie sa dau mai intai o fuga la mercerie pentru materie primă. Nasturi. Nu mai am.
Si aici urmeaza intrebarea mea: Aveti idee unde as putea gasi o mercerie “dotata” zdravan in Bucuresti?
Am auzit ca ar fi destule dar n-am fost niciodata si n-am idee incotro sa ma indrept.
Sar’na anticipat.