Jewelry Box Giveaway [CLOSED] + outfit post

(River Island skirt and top, Oasap shoes, vintage belt, no name hat, H&M ring, earrings and leaves bracelet, New Yorker gold and pearls bracelet)
box jwl 1
box jwl 2

EN: Embracing the gorgeous weather we have at the moment with today’s girly outfit…
After having worn nothing but slouchy tees and vintage denim shorts for a few days this week, I woke up today and felt like dressing up. So I pulled out my new pleated asymmetric skirt by River Island and decided to pair it with this silky ruffled top and a new pair of shoes I recently got from Oasap (I actually got two pairs but more on that later). Some of you have sent me questions about them after posting a photo on Facebook so here’s a link to where I got them. They have a low 2.8 inches heel so they are easy to walk in, quite comfortable and they go with everything because of the neutral color! Just make sure you go one size up when buying them.
And for 30 bucks, I’d definitely recommend them!
I also got sent some gorgeous pieces of jewelry from Jewelry Box, an online jewelry store that offers all kinds of fashion accessories including bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, brooches and hair accessories. There’s something for everyone, you guys should definitely check it out!
I chose this ring and this one, and this lovely cuff bracelet

RO: In mare, n-am prea avut chef de nimic zilele trecute, nimic remarcabil de povestit sau vreun outfit interesant de prezentat…am purtat doar tricouri lalai si jeansi taiati in pantaloni scurti. Astfel ca azi m-am trezit cu pofta de matasuri, fuste plisate, culori dulci si pantofi cu toc si am cochetat in fata sifonierului (si a oglinzii) ceva mai mult. Am purtat o fusta plisata asimetrica luata recent de la River Island, un top cu volane tot de la ei (dar luat anul trecut) si pantofii de la Oasap pe care vi i-am aratat saptamana trecuta pe Facebook (stati pe aici, urmeaza sa fac o postare si cu perechea celalata, cu balerinii). Stiu ca mi-ati scris mai multe dintre voi cu privire la perechea aceasta si am promis ca va dau mai multe detalii. Linkul il aveti aici iar din experienta mea cu ei, va pot spune urmatoarele: sunt comozi, tocul e micut -7 cm si deci pot fi purtati fara probleme ore bune, culoarea e foarte apropiata de cea a pielii (la mine se vede o discrepanta mai mare din cauza bronzului) si in principiu merg cu orice. Singura chestie la care as sugera atentie e marimea. Luati intotdeauna cu o marime mai mare!
In rest…numai de bine. Iar pentru 30 de dolari, categoric ii recomand!
Okeeeeeeey, si acum sa trecem la partea interesanta!
Am primit zilele trecute un pachet de la Jewelry Box care continea ambalate frumos minunatiile de mai sus: cele 2 inele si bratara aurie. Sunt absolute superbe, le veti vedea mai bine in postarile urmatoare…
Si pentru ca stiu ca si voua va plac bijuteriile, am pregatit pentru voi un super giveaway Jewelry Box in urma caruia vom oferi 5 premii!
Ce aveti voi de facut:
1. Urmariti Thrill of the heel pe Google friend connect
2. Dati like paginii de Facebook Jewelry Box
3. Imi lasati un comentariu in care imi lasati linkul bijuteriei pe care ati ales-o, adresa voastra de e-mail ca sa va pot contacta dupa si ma anuntati ca ati indeplinit toti pasii.
Ce trebuie sa stiti:
1. Vor exista 5 castigatoare, fiecare dintre ele primind accesoriul ales in comentariu
2. Va puteti alege orice bijuterie sau accesoriu (rasfoiti, rasfoiti, oferta e bogata si sigur se gaseste ceva pe gustul fiecaruia!)
3. Giveawayul va dura o saptamana 26.07.2012-02.08.2012 iar castigatoarele vor fi anuntate Joia viitoare, pe 2 August
4. Castigatoarele vor fi desemnate cu random org.

Mult succes!



  1. iulie 26, 2012 / 7:54 am

    So classy…Amazing outfit!

  2. iulie 26, 2012 / 7:55 am

    wow ce talie de viespe ai <3

  3. iulie 26, 2012 / 8:25 am

    GFC: Miki Mouse

    FB: Silvia Mihaela Nastrut

    [email protected]

    Imi place inelul perla 🙂

    te pup!

  4. iulie 26, 2012 / 9:52 am

    Fabulous. Love your asymmetrical pleated skirt. It's lovely how you worn it with neutrals.

  5. Anonymous
    iulie 26, 2012 / 5:24 pm

    Thats good, your blog is cool, i like it. Thanks for the efforts my friend.

  6. Dragos
    iulie 26, 2012 / 8:51 pm

    Very „ladylike” :*

  7. iulie 26, 2012 / 10:03 pm

    Hi!, is it international? 😀

  8. iulie 27, 2012 / 10:38 am

    @Ananda Rock: Sorry dear, this is only for my romanian readers:(

  9. mai 28, 2014 / 10:19 am

    Ce papusica frumoasa esti in tinuta asta 🙂

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