High gloss

Picture 004

EN: Fifteen years ago, when I was in first grade, I had a black patent leather rucksac. When I graduated first grade, after pushing my mother for months (and pretty much driving her nuts), she bought me a pair of pink, patent leather shoes. They were so glossy and more like a fuchsia color, with a 2-3 inch heel. I wore them to death, that’s how much I loved them! Then, untill last year, my relationship with patent leather was pretty much over. I thought it was tacky and oh, so passé, so I kept myself away from the high shine material. Never in my dreams would I have thought, not only that I would wear it again but in WHAT form I would wear it.

So a while ago, after seeing online thisskirt from H&M and searching for it mad (no, H&M doesn’t deliver to Romania, you have to go to the store if you want to buy anything), mostly because of its gorgeous color, cut, volume and all that fabric involved, I gave up. It wouldn’t be the first time I see something online and I can’t find it in the stores (at least not near enough), especially with H&M, so I decided to forget about it and save my money for other occasion. And guess what? A week later, I received this comment from a romanian reader (thank you, dear!) telling me where I can find the skirt in Bucharest. So after work, I went straight there, found the bloody thing and bought it without blinking an eye. Trust me, it’s a gorgeous skirt 🙂 But more on that later…

How do you guys feel about patent leather?

RO: Remember, remember? 😀 (Acum o mie de ani) va intrebam aici daca are cineva fusta roz. Cateva dintre voi mi-ati raspuns ca ati vazut-o in Baneasa (much to my dismay as adauga, fiindca evident, NU stau in zona aia) si de atunci am tot zis ca ajung si-o cumpar. N-am ajuns, n-am cumparat-o, imi luasem gandul chiar.

Si apoooooi, am primit comentariul asta: 

Yuhuuuuu! 😀 Hidoasa, nehidoasa, m-am dus s-o caut in Afi chiar in seara aia, imediat ce-am iesit de la munca si Ta-da! A mea e. Marimea e dubioasa (bine, in cazul meu, marimile de la H&M sunt oricum dubioase mereu) si nu se aseaza cum trebuie pe talie dar e rezolvabil cu o curea. Si da, stiu ca imitatia aia de piele lucioasa (patent leather) nu e tocmai la inima oricui dar mie imi place foarte mult croiala, lungimea si culoarea. Deci, neglijabil materialul 🙂


Maine va arat cum am purtat-o. 

Ah, si n-am luat tricoul ala. Mi-a placut, era si ieftin dar avea atata fond de ten pe guler… Pacat. 

P.S. Thank you, Anonymous! :* 



  1. octombrie 31, 2013 / 8:27 am

    OMG, you found it! :))

    It looks amazing!!! Eu am gasit alta din material lucios (PVC ftw) intre timp, dar parca tot imi face cu ochiul si asta 😀


  2. octombrie 31, 2013 / 8:37 am

    it's just perfect honey! xoxo


  3. octombrie 31, 2013 / 9:12 am

    Ahhh, o adooooooorrrr! La Constanta nu au adus-o inca!
    Si nici pe cea din piele aurie de la Zara…
    De abia o astept!!!
    Sunt sigura ca iti vine minunat!
    Asteptam pozele!

  4. octombrie 31, 2013 / 9:14 am

    Si eu am vazut-o si am murit dupa ea! Daca stiam ca esti in cautarea ei, ti-as fi zic ca e in Afi, dar nu am auzit strigatul tau 🙂

    Eu am varianta Asos a ei http://avetisiperoz.ro/sporty-chic/, ma gandesc inca daca o voi lua si pe aceasta.

  5. octombrie 31, 2013 / 11:41 am

    Arata super fusta, cand ma uit de aproape pare cam ciudat materialul, dar pe total e super! S-o porti sanatoasa!

  6. octombrie 31, 2013 / 11:51 am

    Ah dar ce frumooos cade! Da, croiala este frumoasa, abia astept sa vad cum ai imbracat-o!
    Oh dar cate haine nu am vazut si eu mizerabile de fond de ten..bleah! Nu suport asa ceva.

  7. octombrie 31, 2013 / 1:21 pm

    Doamne ce bine iti vine! Eu am ochit tricoul, il vreaaaau!

  8. octombrie 31, 2013 / 1:42 pm

    Si mie mi-a placut foarte mult croiala fustei, dar materialul deloc 🙁 Probabil ca daca era alt material presimt ca luam la picior toate H&M-urile din Bucuresti :)))

  9. octombrie 31, 2013 / 4:01 pm

    What a great success story! Can't wait to see how you style this adorable skirt.

  10. octombrie 31, 2013 / 7:42 pm

    Ein toller Glockenlederrock (leather skirt Midi) sehr sexy geil….traum….und eine süsse lady….du siehst toll aus…mega sehr sexy gefällt mir/geil)

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