I’m the girl who would rather wait 10 minutes for the elevator than do the stairs

(Vedeti c-am updatat shopul)
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(Topshop pants, thrifted shirt, H&M shoes, earrings and sunnies, Oasap bag, River Island bracelets) 

 EN: Let me start by saying that I am by no means a sporty person. I detest almost any form of physical activity, I don’t wear sport gear, I don’t own any training shoes and I’m pretty much a vegetable. I’m the girl who never went (ok, maybe I went two or three times) to high school gym classes. I’m the girl who would rather wait 10 minutes for the elevator than do the stairs. I’m the girl who used to go to McDonalds after a gym workout. Yep, that’s me. And yes, I know it’s not good for my health. 
With that being said, it’s no surprise that my friends were a bit perplexed when they saw me wearing something that resembles training pants (for the record, these aren’t training pants). I bought them a few months ago from Topshop and despite their sporty look, I quite like them. The fabric is soft, almost silky and they are super comfortable! I already wore them with sandals and pumps and they are more versatile than you may think. 
Also, debuting on the blog the glittery H&M shoes I showed you a while ago in this post. Still can’t believe how comfortable they are, even after walking miles in them! 
RO: Eram in curtea facultatii cand o colega mi-a spus: “Woa, nu credeam ca esti tu! Te-am vazut de la spate si ma uitam cam asa… /:) pantaloni de trening?!?! N-are cum sa fie ea!” 
Si adevarul e ca nu prea sunt eu. Unu ca-s pantaloni si doi, nu numai ca-s pantaloni dar par a fi de trening (nu sunt, in realitate materialul e unul pretentios si fin). Iar eu numai sportiva nu sunt. Defapt, sunt genul de om care prefera sa ia liftul pan’ la 4 (stau la 3) si sa coboare un etaj decat sa urce trei. Cica mi-am facut si abonament la sala candva. De doua ori defapt in toata viata, la interval de cativa ani. Si asta la insistentele unei prietene careia ii era urat sa mearga singura – dupa care ma duceam la mec si imi consolam suferinta musculara cu Mc Sundae de caramel. Productiv, na. 
Revenind la înveşmânteală. Cu ocazia asta debutez pe blog si sclipiciosii de la H&M (ca tot m-ati certat ca nu v-am aratat neşte chestii). Dubios tare dar nu m-au killărit. Si chiar am mers mult pe jos cu ei! Nu la toc ma refer cu killăreala dar materialul e clar sintetic iar forma usor ascutita = bataturi. Pe de alta parte, mai am unii identici ca forma si toc (aia aurii, vi i-am aratat odata cu astia), tot de la H&M, care mi-au distrus picioarele. Dupa maxim doua ore de mers pe jos (ca tot ziceam de sport, probabil asta e singura mea forma de miscare constanta – merg mult pe jos). 

Also, ladies and gentlemans, I give youuuuuuuuuu…
I recently found four little baby kittens in the attic of my home and decided to keep them. Unfortunately one of them has died but the other ones are healthy and playful, especially this little lady. 
Ea e una dintre cei patru despre care va spuneam acum doua postari. Din pacate au mai ramas doar trei. Selectie naturala, alea alea. 


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