(River Island skirt and top, Oasap shoes, vintage belt, no name hat, H&M ring, earrings and leaves bracelet, New Yorker gold and pearls bracelet)
EN: Embracing the gorgeous weather we have at the moment with today’s girly outfit…
After having worn nothing but slouchy tees and vintage denim shorts for a few days this week, I woke up today and felt like dressing up. So I pulled out my new pleated asymmetric skirt by River Island and decided to pair it with this silky ruffled top and a new pair of shoes I recently got from Oasap (I actually got two pairs but more on that later). Some of you have sent me questions about them after posting a photo on Facebook so here’s a link to where I got them. They have a low 2.8 inches heel so they are easy to walk in, quite comfortable and they go with everything because of the neutral color! Just make sure you go one size up when buying them.
And for 30 bucks, I’d definitely recommend them!
I also got sent some gorgeous pieces of jewelry from Jewelry Box, an online jewelry store that offers all kinds of fashion accessories including bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, brooches and hair accessories. There’s something for everyone, you guys should definitely check it out!
RO: In mare, n-am prea avut chef de nimic zilele trecute, nimic remarcabil de povestit sau vreun outfit interesant de prezentat…am purtat doar tricouri lalai si jeansi taiati in pantaloni scurti. Astfel ca azi m-am trezit cu pofta de matasuri, fuste plisate, culori dulci si pantofi cu toc si am cochetat in fata sifonierului (si a oglinzii) ceva mai mult. Am purtat o fusta plisata asimetrica luata recent de la River Island, un top cu volane tot de la ei (dar luat anul trecut) si pantofii de la Oasap pe care vi i-am aratat saptamana trecuta pe Facebook (stati pe aici, urmeaza sa fac o postare si cu perechea celalata, cu balerinii). Stiu ca mi-ati scris mai multe dintre voi cu privire la perechea aceasta si am promis ca va dau mai multe detalii. Linkul il aveti aici iar din experienta mea cu ei, va pot spune urmatoarele: sunt comozi, tocul e micut -7 cm si deci pot fi purtati fara probleme ore bune, culoarea e foarte apropiata de cea a pielii (la mine se vede o discrepanta mai mare din cauza bronzului) si in principiu merg cu orice. Singura chestie la care as sugera atentie e marimea. Luati intotdeauna cu o marime mai mare!
In rest…numai de bine. Iar pentru 30 de dolari, categoric ii recomand!
Okeeeeeeey, si acum sa trecem la partea interesanta!
Am primit zilele trecute un pachet de la Jewelry Box care continea ambalate frumos minunatiile de mai sus: cele 2 inele si bratara aurie. Sunt absolute superbe, le veti vedea mai bine in postarile urmatoare…
Si pentru ca stiu ca si voua va plac bijuteriile, am pregatit pentru voi un super giveaway Jewelry Box in urma caruia vom oferi 5 premii!
Ce aveti voi de facut:
1. Urmariti Thrill of the heel pe Google friend connect
2. Dati like paginii de Facebook Jewelry Box
3. Imi lasati un comentariu in care imi lasati linkul bijuteriei pe care ati ales-o, adresa voastra de e-mail ca sa va pot contacta dupa si ma anuntati ca ati indeplinit toti pasii.
Ce trebuie sa stiti:
1. Vor exista 5 castigatoare, fiecare dintre ele primind accesoriul ales in comentariu
2. Va puteti alege orice bijuterie sau accesoriu (rasfoiti, rasfoiti, oferta e bogata si sigur se gaseste ceva pe gustul fiecaruia!)
3. Giveawayul va dura o saptamana 26.07.2012-02.08.2012 iar castigatoarele vor fi anuntate Joia viitoare, pe 2 August
4. Castigatoarele vor fi desemnate cu random org.
Mult succes!
Yello 🙂
GFC: Veronica Biliboc
FB: idem 😛
fav item: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/368-colier-embellish.html
mail: [email protected]
Te-am pupat!
am indeplinit toti pasii iar adresa de mail mi-o stii, dar iat-o : [email protected]
Superba fusta dar bronzul le intrece pe toate :*
Urmaresc blogul cu numele: Madda Ilade.
Am dat like pe FB cu numele: Madda Ilade
Mi-ar placea sa primesc urmatoarea bijuterie: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/101-set-colier-si-cercei-beautiful-day.html
madda_ilade at yahoo dot com
ok, îmi iau inima în dinţi şi mă avânt 🙂
purrrfect one!
Gfc: Catalina Mitu
Fb: Mitu Catalina
Link Produs Preferat: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/330-cercei-tear-drops.html
Link Share Concurs: http://www.facebook.com/mitu.catalina.9/posts/429042027138319
Buna 🙂
Am dat like pe Fb cu numele Ral Diaconescu
Te urmaresc prin GFC cu numele Ral Diaconescu
Produsul preferat este : http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/119-cercei-sweet-dreams.html
So classy…Amazing outfit!
wow ce talie de viespe ai <3
Fb: Federova Kik
GFC: federova
Link cu bijuteria aleasa: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/282-cercei-good-attitude.html
mail: [email protected]
kiss u!
Superba tinuta 🙂 Cel mai mult imi place bluza, dar si pantofii 🙂
Te urmaresc prin GFC cu Andreea Dianu
Am dat like pe faebook cu acelas nume 🙂
[email protected]
Buna ,
am dat like pe fb cu numele :Andreea Daiana Zlata
te urmaresc pe prin GFC cu numele: Zlata Daiana
produsul preferat este:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/inele/35-inel-stylish-skull.html
mail: [email protected] , astfel am indeplinit toti pasii :*
Am dat like pe fb si te urmaresc cu Leyla Asan
Link: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/342-colier-olive-square.html
mail: [email protected]
http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/75-cercei-pink-fantasy.html imi plac la nebunieee acesti cercei..adresa mea de e-mail este [email protected]..si am indeplinit toti pasii:D:D:D:D:D
Eu aleg inelul acesta absolut demential:
You look great, girl!
Foarte draguti pantofii! Greu sa gasesti unii nude si comozi 🙂
Urmaresc prin GFC: eliza666
Am dat like pe FB: Pintilie Eliza
Email: eliza666pintilie[dot]yahoo[dot]com
And the eye candy: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/438-colier-white-soul.html
GFC: Miki Mouse
FB: Silvia Mihaela Nastrut
[email protected]
Imi place inelul perla 🙂
te pup!
FB:Letitia Golea
Bijuteria aleasa:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/100-colier-spring-bird.html
GFC: deiusk
FB: Andreia Barabas
email: [email protected]
GFC: Giu
Facebook: Giulia Nadasan
Fav item: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/363-colier-brand-lover.html
email: [email protected]
FB:Nicoleta Raicu
acelasi nume pe GFC
e-mail:[email protected]
am indeplinit toate conditiile.
de mult caut un astfel de colier :>
Gfc: Dariana
FB: Dariana Galic
Email: [email protected]
thumbs up pentru pantofii clasici 🙂
GFC: Butterfly
Facebook: Tymy Maria
Am indeplinit toti pasii si imi doresc cercelusii astia: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/279-cercei-burgundy-charm.html
Imi plac concursurile de genul asta, descopar siteuri noi cu produse superbe
GFC : Toppy
FB : Alexandra Rotaru
Bijuteria care m-a cucerit : http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimizare_pentru_motoare_de_c%C4%83utare
adresa de mail : [email protected]
te pup, esti o superba ca intotdeauna
GFC: Monica D
FB: Monica Daliu
email: [email protected]
Mie imi plac la nebunie bratarile si aceasta mi se pare speciala:
GFC: Sandi.
Facebook: Alexandra Moiseian
Bijuteria preferata:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/213-colier-cu-pandantiv-croydon.html
E-mail: [email protected]
Foarte tare concursul!:*
GFC Juliet
FB Anca Ancutza
Link http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/368-colier-embellish.html
Email [email protected]
Imi place mult tinuta ta, am si eu topul si fusta bine ca mi-ai dat o idee cum sa le port impreuna 😉
GFC – Didiliciozza
FCBK – Didi Alexandra
Link from Jewelry Box – http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/220-bratara-animal-print-queen-.html
e-mail- [email protected]
Thanks …esti smechera rrrrau ! :*
Foarte frumoase bijuteriile.
Fb: Zbranca Andreea Georgiana
GFC: Andreea
Cerceii http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/83-cercei-flower-drop-.html sunt superbi
Mail: [email protected]
O zi minunata!
gfc: mada_herman
fb: Madalina Herman
favorite item: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/56-bratara-golden-bangle.html
mail: [email protected]
Am indeplinit toti pasii :d
FB: Roxana Vesa
E-mail : [email protected]
Bijuteria aleasa : http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/363-colier-brand-lover.html
You look so great like always! 🙂
arati superb!!
Fabulous. Love your asymmetrical pleated skirt. It's lovely how you worn it with neutrals.
GFC: Paula Dan
FB: Paula Dan
E-mail: [email protected]
Cat despre accesoriul preferat, de ceva vreme ma tot uit la cerceii astia: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/70-cercei-salmon-stone.html Dar daca i-as castiga ar fii si mai super 🙂
GFC: Wrinkled Silk
FB: Denisa Gherghel
Bijuteria preferata: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/inele/429-inel-midnight-cake.html
E-mail: [email protected]
Fusta e superba. <3
Abia pot sa imi aleg ceva, sunt multe chestii atat de cuuuute! 😀
Dar ma opresc la asta: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/279-cercei-burgundy-charm.html
Ii urmaresc pe Facebook si pe tine de cand lumea 😀
GFC LesBrocantes
FB Diana Fantaziu
Bijuteria preferata: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/364-colier-venice-artist.html
Email: [email protected]
great pics !
Perhaps the most gorgeous skirt that I have ever seen? Wonderful ensemble!
So ladylike. So feminine. So fabulous!
GFC: Diana
Fb name: Diana Catalina Fara
LINK: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/172-colier-god-loves-britain-.html
e-mail: [email protected]
Love Your BLOG! :*
GFC: Dia
Facebook: Samoila Diana-Eugenia
Bijuterie preferata: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/5-bratari-hot-bangles.html
Mail: [email protected]
GFC :Laura
Facebook : Laura Amh
Imi plac la nebunie bratarile si prin urmare.. asta e link-ul: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/283-bratara-glastonbury.html
Foarte dragut giveaway!:*
despoina rykiel telligiannidou
[email protected]
i loved those earrings: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/70-cercei-salmon-stone.html
everything done!
That skirt is just delightful esp on our waist!
Confessions of a Purse-a-holic
e-mail: [email protected]
GFC Imbuzan Andreea
acesti cercei sunt superbi si am o http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/67-cercei-baroque-.htmlbratara perfecta la care sa-i asortez
[email protected]
Dana Muresan
[email protected]
GFC: Cristina Sularea
FB: Cristina Sularea
mail:[email protected]
urmaresc blogul prin GFC cu numele „reflexia copilului” .
Pe FB cu Ruxandra Doanca
iar bijuteria preferata de pe site e http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/20-bratara-exotic-touch.html
mail: [email protected]
great blog!! keep it up…i love it!! mai ales outfiturile cu influente hippie!
Am indeplinit pasii.
GFC: Elena
FB:Elena Popescu
Alegerea mea:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/206-colier-versailles-.html
Mail:[email protected]
am urmat toti pasii (zic eu)
FB: Andrada Bacaoanu
mail: [email protected]
si minunatia de colier <3:
Thats good, your blog is cool, i like it. Thanks for the efforts my friend.
GFC:Laura Ene
FB:Laura Ene
linkul cu bijuteria preferata este:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/384-cercei-shiny-rocks.html
email:[email protected]
you look amazing love that skirt!
City Style
am ales http://www.jewelry-box.ro/inele/479-inel-cream-utopia.html
GFC: maddy
FB: Madalina Buscu
mail: [email protected]
Very „ladylike” :*
GFC Madalina Batranca
FB Batranca Madalina
E-mail [email protected]
Hi!, is it international? 😀
Fusta este foarte interesanta :D, iar pantofii imi plac foarte mult ♥.
Legat de concurs:
GGC: Aby7777aby
FB: Aby Ciorascu
Mail: [email protected]
Imi place foarte mult acest colier :
You are beautiful! I love your style! I'm following you now)
Olesya (Tallinn, Estonia)
Arati WOW in outfitul asta!
Pt Giveaway:
GFC: Testaholic
FB: Silvia Herself
Link: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/368-colier-embellish.html
email: silviaherself {at} gmail {.} com
@Ananda Rock: Sorry dear, this is only for my romanian readers:(
GF: Dobrin Isabela
FB: la fel
Mail: [email protected]
Fav product: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/bratari/299-set-bratara-si-cercei-retro-charm.html
Fb:Georgiana Grama
E-mail:[email protected]
GFC : Christina
facebook : Cris Tina
e-mail : [email protected]
GFC: selffish
FB: Anca Ancaa
e-mail: [email protected]
GFC: Oana
FB: Oana Catalina
bijuterie preferata: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/353-colier-summer-air.html
email: oana [dot] catalyna [at] yahoo [dot] com
foarte frumos outfit-ul tau 🙂
gfc: catalina rapiteanu
facebook: Catalina Rapiteanu
email : [email protected]
GFC: Alexandra.
FB:Alexandra Grigore
am ales: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/inele/35-inel-stylish-skull.html
email: [email protected]
Mi-a fost foarte greu sa ma hotarasc pentru c-au o groaza de chestii frumoase! Dar, intr-un final, m-am oprit la acest colier – http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/99-colier-roman-holiday.html
GFC – andreea
FB – Andreea Adam
liked & followed (gfc: refldee)!
bijuteria aleasa: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/307-cercei-orange-splash.html
[email protected]
GFC: beauty_and_others
FB like: Nicoleta Alexandra
bijuteria aleasa: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/42-inel-snobbish-ribbon.html
GFC: Popovici Doro
FB: Popovici Dorothea
Bijuterie preferata : http://www.jewelry-box.ro/inele/463-inel-excess.html
email: [email protected]
😀 Buna!
GFC: Xty
FB: Cristina Kein Engel
Bijuterie: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/cercei/251-cercei-flat-mate.html
Email: [email protected]
gfc: petcu
Fb: Stefania Petcu
mail: [email protected]
GFC: Cristina
FB: Cristina Lazar
e-mail- [email protected]
Produsul care imi place cel mai mult este acesta:http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/363-colier-brand-lover.html
FB: Andra Ioana Barac
email:[email protected]
Have a nice day!
GFC Tams
FB Tamara Matei
Email: [email protected]
GFC: Elena
FB: Elena Toader
email: [email protected]
link: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/438-colier-white-soul.html
GFC: Zadin
FB: Zadin
email: iepurasul83 at yahoo dot com
link: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/368-colier-embellish.html
Buna 🙂
Am indeplinit toti pasii
GFC: Raluca Zdrobis
FB: Raluca Zdrobis
email: [email protected]
link : http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/390-set-colier-si-cercei-luxurious-buy.html
Multumesc 🙂
LOVE this giveaway!
GFC: maria
FB: Maria Stoica
GFC: Karla
FB: Dalila Dali
email: [email protected]
linkul produsului: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/438-colier-white-soul.html
Am indeplinit toti pasii!
Super concurs..si mai ales…super blog! congrats!
Imi place la nebunie tinuta!!! Fusta e bestiala
email: [email protected]
link: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/363-colier-brand-lover.html
definitelyy superbe produse
si am indeplinit pasii – respectiv like fb page si follow on google friend
Măi, cât de şic eşti tu! 🙂 Îmi place tare materialul fustei!
Şi acum hai să ma înscriu şi la concurs:
GFC: Boheme.Fille
FB: Simona Floroaia
Bijuterie: De data asta merg pe ceva mai simplu: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/64-colier-precious-pearls.html. 🙂
gfc elisa mary
fb mary elisa
mail: [email protected]
GFC: Alexandra Simon
FB: Ioana Alexandra Simon
Mail: [email protected]
Cat de greu mi-a fost sa aleg, sper sa nu ma razgandesc :D!!
Buna !!!
GFC iulika_ct
FB Iuliana Gondos
Bijuteria aleasa este : http://www.jewelry-box.ro/coliere-si-pandantive/342-colier-olive-square.html
Email [email protected]
Succes tuturor !!!
gfc:Teodora Soare
fb:Soare Teodora Denisa
email:[email protected]
Te urmaresc prin GFC cu numele Corina Popa
Am dat like FB cu numele Corina Popa
Bijuteria: http://www.jewelry-box.ro/64-colier-precious-pearls.html
mail: [email protected]
GFC:Country of Fashion
FB:Teo Teoo
E-mail:[email protected]
Ce papusica frumoasa esti in tinuta asta 🙂
good site: http://buytadalafilmh.com , http://buysildenafilmh.com , http://buyvardenafilmh.com