RO: Una dintre colectiile care mi-a placut foarte mult pentru urmatorul sezon este colectia Marc by Marc Jacobs.
I fell deeply in love with the deep rusty shades, the pussy bows, the hats!!! and the wide legged trousers but most of all,I loved the greens.
M-am indragostit profund de nuantele de ruginiu, de fundele de la gat, de palarii!!! si de pantalonii largi dar cel mai mult si cel mai mult, mi-au placut nuantele de verde.
EN: And to be more specific, this dress has really caught my attention. I have a soft spot for that green and the pussy bow makes it even more perfect…not to mention that it’s made out of silk.
RO: Si ca sa fiu si mai precisa, rochia aceasta mi-a atras atentia in mod deosebit. Am o slabiciune pentru verdele acela iar daca mai punem la socoteala ca are si funda, e dragoste curata. Asta ca sa nu mai spun ca e facuta in totalitate din matase.

EN: Anyway, I checked online and it’s…500$. TOO DAMN PRICEY! If you can afford it, ok, I hate you, but for me, there has to be an alternative. Check out what I found:
RO: Frumos, da, doar ca sa nu uitam de eticheta. Am verificat online si costa 500$. MULT PREA MULT! Cel putin pentru buzunarul meu…In cazul in care voi vi-o permiteti, ok, va urasc, dar pentru mine, trebuie sa caut alternative. Si iata ce am gasit…
Dorothy Perkins, 69$
Same color and buttons line. Quite similar, don’t you think?
Aceiasi culoare si linie a nasturilor. Destul de similare, nu vi se pare?
ASOS, 58$

Also available in orange and blumarine
Disponibila si in portocaliu sau albastru
Philosophy di Alberta Ferretti, 208$
This one is a bit pricey but it’s actually on sale from 524$(wow, even more expensive)
Aceasta e un pic mai scumpa dar se pare ca de fapt e la reduceri de la 524$(wow, asta inseamna ca defapt a fost chiar mai scumpa decat MJ)
Debenhams, 131$
That’s an interesting detail on the shoulders
Interesant detaliul de pe umeri
Rusty zipper, 32$
And a bit of vintage, from the 1970
Si o varianta vintage din 1970
River Island, 50$
This one is my personal favourite! Ah, if only River Island would deliver outside the UK…
Personal, aceasta imi place cel mai mult! Ah, daca ar livra River Island si in afara UK…
Yes style, 80$
Last but not least, a very cute chiffon dress, also available in pink.
Nu in ultimul rand, o rochie foarte draguta din chiffon, disponibila si pe roz.
Which collections are you lusting after for autumn?
Voi ce colectii ravniti pentru toamna?
foarte frumoasa selectia. Mie mi-au placut mult colectiile resort 😉
Oh yes, that dress is gorgeous, if you remember, I found a vintage one and I was so psyched! 😀
Or you can make one yourself and it will cost you 15€ 😉 I also fell in love with this collection !!! xoxo
amazing colection! imi place la nebunie rochia verde.have a great week-end! pup
The Marc by Marc Jacobs collection is absolutely yummy! But I like your cheaper takes on that luscious green dress too!!! 🙂
I love your blog 😀
I am following you! Take a look at my blog and, if you want, follow me too 😀
Lara that MJ green dress! And the one by River Island is the perfect alternative!
i am a huge uge fan of everything MJ does! love the MBMJ because it isn't that expensive! the clothes are perfect for every day! love the green dress, the color is insane and the fabric gives me a 40's vibe! fabulous that you have looked for some alternatives
i love that leapard skirt
xoxo Monroe
Fashion Steele NYC
the leopard skirt is amazing!!
new post on my blog, check it if u want!!!
happy Saturday!!
I loved this collection too! Sooo awesomeeee 😀
verdele ala!!!:x
ahh marc jacobs is wonderful..i love the dresses of his collection!
Thaks for your visit to my blog. I like your blog very much. Sorry for my english. Following you. Kisses.
Amazing colection. I love dress from Asos and dress from debenhams. =)
Love the River Island one and Yes Style! Well done!! Prada is my absolute favorite this year… and that collection is well-beyond my reach!
i love your blog!
follow my blog;)
wonderful post!!!i like the last dresses
super outfits…I like green colour so that the green dress I love:)
AMAZING collection! good finds on the alternatives.
Oeh,I love the Marc Jacobs collection too!*
Very vintage inspired!*
Nice designs, colors and fabric, I'm loving this collection too.
I'm not lusting a collection yet, because as I live in the south hemisphere I'm just thinking in the spring wich is around the corner.
See you sweetie!
Pussy bows are the best! I'm glad to see they're still „in” as I love wearing clothes that have them.
The green one is really very nice!
I'm crazy about Mulberry <3
This post is so fun!! We really love your blog, and as wardrobe stylists ourselves, it is SO nice to see posts like this. Amazingly fine job!! We really love it.
LPFashionPhilosophy, Wardrobe Stylists NYC