EN: I’m surprised I haven’t done a wishlist post for a while, since my bookmarks menu is full of online shopping links…
Anyway, here it goes:
RO: Ma mira ca n-am mai facut un wishlist de atata timp, doar am meniurile de Mozilla ticsite de atatea bookmarkuri /:)
Incepem previzibil, cu River Island:
First up on my list is this beautiful pair of River Island sandals. I’m definitely not the minimalistic kind of dresser but I love how simple yet so chic these wedges are! They seem pretty comfortable (actually, all of my River Island shoes are extremely comfortable and we’re talking about 6 inches heels here, ahem) and they come in black too!
Am o presimtire ca sandalele astea (la 50 de lire) sunt foarte comfortabile (in general incaltamintea RI e comfortabila si usoara, n-am avut niciodata probleme). Imi plac ca sunt foarte simple, au platforma si talpă ortopedică inalta iar catarama aia aurie le accesorizeaza perfect. Sunt disponibile si pe negru. Eu cred c-o sa raman la alb, negru pe timp de vara e cam…nepotrivit.
If I could only buy one thing featured in this wishlist, it would definitely be this skirt. I’m obsessed with it ever since I posted the River Island ss13 lookbook back in January. The length is perfect, I adore the color combo and the print is gorgeous. Can’t wait to get this one!
Asta! Asta ma obsedeaza de cand v-am aratat prin Ianuarie lookbookul RI de primavara vara. Cromatica si imprimeul imi plac foarte mult, iar lungimea e fix ce caut eu (si nu prea gasesc; E relativ imposibil sa gasesti o fusta midi, clos, pana sub genunchi pe piata de highstreet dar in schimb e plin de elastan lung cat palma. E bine zic)
Revenind…abia astept sa mi-o cumpar – spre dezaprobiul individului care zice ca arat ca o mamaie :-@ Il ignoram ca e praf si habar n-are ce vorbeste >:P
Next on my wishlist, another midi skirt. This one is from Oasap and it costs $95. A bit pricey yes, but that chiffon fabric and the print look so beautiful and romantic… Not sure about the length though, seems more like a maxi skirt to me.
Mai departe, inca o fusta midi de la Oasap. Spun midi dar nu sunt foarte convinsa de asta, din poze bate mai mult inspre maxi. Chiffonul si imprimeul sunt foarte dragute dar lungimea aia ma cam deruteaza…Si mi-e ca se duce dracului cu totul daca incerc sa o scurtez. E frumoasa totusi.
A while ago, someone left me a comment saying that I usually wear chunky heels and I almost never wear stilettos. It’s true. I don’t know why but I usually opt for big platforms and thick, chunky heels, like these ones from Asos. I love how quirky and tall they are! These sandals would look fabulous with a summer dress but also with some thick burgundy tights for early autumn 🙂
Imi spunea cineva pe blog, acum vreo luna sau doua, ca nu prea apar cu tocuri subtiri. Asa este. Sunt setata pe toc gros si platforma zdravana, nu stiu de ce. Dar intotdeauna sunt mai atrasa de incaltarile “butucanoase” decat de cele finute, delicate.
Lesne de inteles de ce imi plac astea de la Asos. Sunt sandale ele (deci vară!) dar primul gand care mi-a venit cand le-am vazut a fost alaturarea sanda – ciorap opac roz sau grena. Pentru toamna sau primavara. Delicios.
I personally love flared/wide legged/palazzo pants and they’re definitely my favorite pants style. I’ve been obsessively researching a high waisted pair on the web but I just can’t seem to find one that actually reaches my natural waist. Except for these ones. This Aqua pair from Asos is amazing and exactly what I’m looking for, but unfortunately they are way out of my budget.
La fel ca in cazul fustelor midi, despre care va spuneam ca sunt greu de gasit la lungimea potrivita, avem pantalonii largi cu talie inalta. Gasim pantaloni, gasim pantaloni largi, gasim talie idioata, asezata pe sold. La ce dracu mai faci pantaloni largi (palazzo/wide legged/tot aia) daca ii scurtezi si-i indesi si nu-i lasi sa urce pana sus pe talie si deci sa alungeasca silueta si piciorul?
Astia in schimb sunt printre putinele perechi care urca exact pana unde trebuie. Sunt disponibili si pe negru si ma innebunesc de vreo doua luni. Din pacate insa nu cred c-o sa mi-i permit prea curand (fara un discount major). 500 ron pe o pereche de pantaloni…nu prea.
Another gorgeous thing I can’t afford (so sad, so sad) is this amazing limited edition dress by Topshop.
My heart is full of lust for that beautiful cobalt blue and those skinny straps around the waist are simply amazing. Why does it have to cost over $260, why???
Alta textila pe care n-o sa mi-o pot permite (mai mult ca sigur) e rochia asta de la Topshop, din colectia limited edition. Culoarea e delicioasa si-mi plac foarte mult “atele” acelea pe post de bretele si-n jurul taliei. 900 ron costa. Au, ma doare.
Also, let’s not forget to mention Zara. I would be perfectly happy to have any of these sandals in my closet (despite this feeling I get regarding the left pair – I think it would look bad on me).
Sa nu uitam sa iubim…Zara. Cu ale ei preturi nejustificate si copii minunate.
Oricare dintre perechile astea doua ar arata nejustificat de minunat la mine in dulap. Desi am o presimtire ca perechea cu siret mi-ar veni ca dracu.
Last but definitely not least, vintage!
First up, this amaaaaaazing Victor costa dress! The design of this dress is stunning, I’ve never seen anything like it before.
Pentru final, crème de la crème, doua bucati de vintage:
Prima. O rochie fabuloasa Victor Costa. Pe care (evident) n-as avea unde s-o port dar as cumpara-o numai de dragul de o tine expusa pe-un manechin in casa. Si m-as maimutari in ea in fata oglinzii. Superba mi se pare.
…and this gorgeous Thierry Mugler blazer. I’m a huge fan of his designs and this blazer pretty much sums up everything I love about Mugler: bold cuts, the cinched waist and the exaggerated hips, therefore the hourglass shape, the padded structured shoulders, the gorgeous details and the beautiful colors. I declare myself obsessed.
What would you buy from this wishlist?
Si doi, un sacou Thierry Mugler. Nu se putea fara Mugler, se intelege. Aceiasi cromatica cauzatoare de salivatie. Nici macar nu vreau sa-mi imaginez cum vine, pozele ma bantuie suficient in somn.