Michael Jackson cu cercei

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(vintage Thierry Mugler blazer, old New Look boots, H&M bracelets and earrings, vintage bag, no name jeans and t-shirt)

Din seria vintage – şi vintage din ăla bun şi rar, vă arăt azi ultima adiţie la mica mea colecţie Thierry Mugler. După Yves Saint Laurent (sau la egalitate), în topul meu vine Mugler. Sunt absolut topită după piesele lui şi din cauza asta nu ratez (aproape) niciodată o textilă care îi poartă semnătura. Din păcate, colecţia mea e mult mai mică decât mi-aş dori (din experienţă ştiu că e unul dintre designerii care se găseşte foarte greu) dar cred că am vreo două sacouri şi o fustă (găsite de mine în sh), două rochii roz superbe (cumpărate online), o rochie galbenă (de pe Okazii) şi acum mai nou, sacoul din poze – cumpărat de pe Olx. N-a fost ieftin – şi iniţial m-am cam foit, imprimeul ăsta houndstooth nefiind tocmai îndragit de mine – dar am cedat până la urmă şi foarte bine am făcut! Îmi este puţin mare în talie dar chiar şi aşa, croiala cambrată işi face treaba. Detaliile de pe rever şi mâneci sunt nemaipomenite iar de lanţul argintiu de pe faţă şi spate nici nu mai vorbesc.  E absolut delicios şi sunt super încântată de el.
V-am zis eu că sunt mama lor 🙂 A sacourilor vintage!
L-am purtat pe ăsta cu o geantă plic din tinereţile maică mii, cizme New Look (sunt de acum doi ani, ştiu că am mai fost întrebată de ele recent dar nu le mai gasiţi), cercei şi brăţări H&M iar restul no nameuri.
mugler blazer9
Da, nu ştiu ce e cu încârligarea şi contorsionarea aia. Eram un Michael Jackson cu cercei sau ceva.



  1. martie 10, 2015 / 2:04 pm

    Foarte frumoasa toata tinuta!!!!

  2. Anonymous
    martie 11, 2015 / 3:02 am

    Another step in your own progression of thoughtful writing and your own style. Two year old boots look great, but your story about the jacket is interesting. I had luch today with a friend Adrianna. She came to the US from Buckarest 13 years ago at 20, speaking little English and having one sponsor. She now is Manager of a large womens sportwear store and near Boston, and visits Romania to see her family every year. She explained to me some of the issues you write about so I would better understand how difficult some of the things you do are, and how much time and effort you put into your work. It makes me appreciate your blog more as I watch you mature and stay true to your style and beliefs. I hope you will continue. Anonymous as always. John

  3. martie 11, 2015 / 12:46 pm

    Dear Andreea,
    I can't really tell how much I like you. You are my most favorite blogger of all time and even if you are not writing in English anymore I've never miss any of your posts! I absolutely adore your style, everything you wear is absolutely stunning on you! Your style is exactly what I would like to wear myself, if I had a different type of body. You are my endless inspiration, forcing me to try to wear something new and be brave about it! Thank you so much for what you are doing and please don't stop. Your blog would really be missing in this community
    Love you!


  4. martie 11, 2015 / 11:08 pm

    Dear Andreea,
    I don't know if its appropriate to communicate with you through comments, but I know this is the way you'll see me 🙂 I know, that you have noticed me a while ago and I'm glad you still remember me. I'm like you, remembering most of people that contact me through internet 🙂 I'm very touched that you are touched! 🙂 I hope you'll get to Prague some time! It's a must see place! I'm really looking forward to meeting you and already thinking what I should wear if I'm supposed to meet such a stylish person like you! 🙂 Or maybe when I get to Bucharest, we can meet too! It's so nice to have someone who understands this blog thing! I'll love to keep touch in you, and I'm very happy that you remember me!

    Take care,
    Adel xo

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