(from left to right: Zara wedge espadrilles, Mini Prix snake pattern pumps, Stradivarius blush wedges)
EN: I already told you about my mom and how often she makes fun of my fashion choices (which is usually pretty hilarious, really, my mom is super funny) so it’s no surprise to me that she had to poke fun at my new shoes. She was all like “You really needed three pairs, didn’t you? No no, I get it. You were walking barefoot before. Poor kid”
So yes, I bought shoes. Initially I went after that printed Zara dress I was telling you about in this post but as I found out, the dress sold out extremely fast. I couldn’t even find it in other sizes, it was like the dress never existed. So I bought these instead. From left to right:
First up, these espadrille wedges from Zara.Chunky wedges will always be my shoes of choice- the chunkier the better- and these 6 inches sandals are all kinds of fabulous.
Next, the pair in the middle is not usually my style but I loved how sexy they look on, with that slim stiletto heel and the pointed toe. Not to mention the snake detailling on the back and the metallic color. Haven’t worn them yet but they do look painful, don’t they?
Last but not least, I bought these nude wedges from Stradivarius (yes, I know that technically that’s more of a subtle pink than a nude, but still, I consider them neutral-toned), which will work wonderful with pretty much everything I have in my closet.
Likey? 🙂
RO: Incepem de la stanga la dreapta.
Stie toata lumea de rochia de la Zara, imprimata, colorata, cu reclama falsa pe site, da? Bon (cine nu, gaseste toata povestea aici, iar cele care mi-ati scris ca o aveti deja…va urasc asa un pic 😛 glumesc)
Deci ma duc la 6 zile dupa postarea aia, eu smechera, in Afi. Sa-mi iau rochia! Intru…ma-nvart…ma-ntorc…ma succesc…intreb… nu mai era nicio rochie. Zic sa ma duc in Unirea, ca acolo probasem prima data si na, trebuie sa mai fie ceva. Doar sunt cateva zile, ce naiba?!?!?!
Aceeasi poveste.
Nu mai era nimic, trai-ti-ar. NIMIC. Nici scama din rochia aia nu mai era. Nicio marime, nicio umbra, nicio nimic. Nu-mi venea sa cred. A fost atat de trist ca putem pastra un moment de reculegere 🙁
Ce legatura are asta cu sandalele din poza? Eh, mi le-am cumparat CA COnsolare. Le vroiam oricum demult, si daca tot am gasit rochia din parti…mda (vorbesc despre prima pereche, cea cu talpa din rafie). Link aici. In ciuda inaltimii (15 cm de toc) sunt foarte comode si sunt genul de sandale care merg aproape la orice, de la jeansi pana la fuste creion si matasuri. Ma declar client satisfacut.
A doua pereche, pantofii argintii cu insertii de sarpe, am luat-o dintr-un mini prix. Mai ieftin decat pe siteul lor, cred ca am prins o promotie sau ceva. Nu i-am purtat inca (deci nu stiu cum se comporta) dar am o vaga idee conform careia o sa-mi killareasca picioarele. Dati de stire daca ii aveti, sunt curioasa cum sunt la mers.
A treia si ultima pereche se prezinta in forma unui roz pudrat cu talpă ortopedică si model d’orsay decupat. Astea chiar merg cu orice, chiar daca nu au tocmai culoarea pielii. Sunt facute dintr-o imitatie de piele intoarsa si au toc de 10 cm, plus platforma din fata. Deci comode.
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