Dress/Rochie: Zara Bag/Geanta: Mango Boots/Cizme: no name Belt and hat: vintage Toodles!
Lately I’ve been developing an obsession for blazers, especially if they’re vintage cause that makes them even more special. I’m still searching for a pink and red one but they seem impossible to find, all I can get are black…
A while ago I was with my mom in a vintage shop and while I was browsing around, she found this skirt and came to me with it saying “hei, look, this is something granny would wear, I guess you’d…
Hot mama, right?:D Misto gagica, nu-i asa?:D I’m not a big fan of Beyonce’s music but I’m crazy about her bodyshape and sometimes I also like her outfit choices. I loved the videoclip she did for “why don’t you love…
Yesterday I wore velvet. I’m not usually a velvet person(I don’t know why) but I do like seeing it on other people. Anyway, the only velvet things in my closet are two blazers, this green one and another blue one…
As a vintage lover and collector that I am, I’ve always dreamed about a good vintage Pucci piece. The prints, the colors…just looking at those cheerful psychedelic fabrics and I feel happy! Anyway, so far I have had no luck…
No words can describe my love for these shoes. As soon as March arrived, I couldn’t wait anymore to wear them so today I decided to pair them with a peter pan collar dress I recently got, a thick purple…
I hope these beautiful photos will inspire you as they’ve inspired me:) And… Sper ca aceste fotografii frumoase va vor inspira asa cum m-au inspirat pe mine:) Si totusi… (photos via Flickr, sxc.hu, deviantart, tumblr) Although here in Romania it’s…
As I’ve told you before, all of my fur coats are faux. My mother has a biiiiig collection of real fur coats and they are really beautiful but I could never wear one. It just wouldn’t feel right…I love animals…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0mN2ZIkOnc] ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T
I was so determined to wear a dress today!(today meaning yesterday )A Grecian type of dress, soft and preeeeety, in a very nice ivory color, with a belt and otk boots. Did I wear it? Of course not. Why? Because…