EN: Hesuuuuuuuuus! This is the type of shoe that looks gorgeous on the outside but in the same time,makes my feet ache just looking at it. I don’t know what hurts more, the fact that they are so beautiful and I can’t afford them at the moment or the fact that they are so beautiful and my feet would die in them. That 5″ heel with no platform is definitely way above my pain tolerance level, but still, I would take the plunge. If only my size would be available…
RO: Gizas. Nici nu stiu ce ma doare mai mult: faptul ca sunt atat de frumosi si la momentul asta nu mi-i permit sau faptul ca sunt atat de frumosi si la orice moment mi-ar face praf picioarele. Bot ascutit, toc inalt si 0 platforma…da, clar, m-ar ucide. Genul de pantof care ma face sa scancesc doar privindu-l. Imi imaginez ca trebuie sa fie tare incomod. Si totusi atat de frumos.
Vad ca e sold out in aproape toate marimile (mai au 40 si 41) dar mai dati cate-un refresh din cand in cand, in caz ca va bate gandul (si vreti sa-mi faceti in ciuda). Astia de la Topshop reinoiesc stocurile 🙂