(Raspberry pants and top, no name shirt, River Island hat, no name necklace and vintage bracelets)
EN: Inspired by Kelly, the fabulous queen of print mixing, I threw on something comfortable (read: pajama pants) along with an easy-breezy shirt and some accessories, and headed over to the town to run some errands. Despite the unbearable heat, I have to say that these pants did a great job of keeping me dry and cool in this hot summer weather!
Can’t wait to pair them with a leather jacket and some serious booties with cooler temperatures approaching!
RO: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, am dat drumul shop ului! N-am adaugat decat o parte din lucrurile pe care le am de vanzare dar magazinul va functiona permanent, ca “rubrica” de sine statatoare, indiferent ca reusesc sa vand toate produsele sau niciunul. Ideea e ca am prea multe, nu le port, imi ocupa loc degeaba si nu mi-ar strica niste bani in plus.
Asadar, urmeaza sa mai adaug produse pe parcurs…va anunt eu ce si cum de indata ce le uploadez. Pentru moment, am postat 2 perechi de incaltaminte, o gentuta, o pereche de ochelari de soare, 2 rochii, o salopeta si o fusta Escada. Preturile sunt in functie de gradul de uzura/pretul initial de achizitie/valoare/defecte iar pentru intrebari sau comenzi imi puteti scrie la [email protected]. Coletele le trimit prin posta romana iar plata se va face numai in avans, pe card. Partial sau complet (cum vreti voi) din motive obiective, sper eu lesne de inteles. Transport gratuit.
Sper sa va placa!