
EN: Yes people, I know that the pain of not knowing what I do on a daily and hourly basis must be excruciating, and because I like you and I want to ease your pain, I thought I would bring you an extra post about my very (un)glamorous life. Very generous of me, I know. So here goes some late Sunday rambling:

RO: Da dragelor, sunt constienta ca probabil va tavaliti in chinuri ca nu stiti toate detaliile neinteresante ale vietii mele de zi cu zi (foarte neglamoroasa de altfel). Si tocmai pentru ca sunt constienta si pentru ca imi place de voi, m-am gandit sa va alin putin suferinta cu o postare mai neobisnuita decat ce fac in general. Ziceti voi ca nu sunt eu Mother Teresa in persoana.
Sa purcedem asadar:


My mom’s hyacinths have finally flowered! We have a lot of flowers in our yard that not only look beautiful when they are in full bloom but they smell lovely too. My brothe picked these ones for me…

In sfarsit au inflorit si zambilele maica mii. Ma tot uitam cu jind la florariile pline de zambile, narcise si lalele si ma ofticam gandindu-ma ca si noi am avea curtea plina de flori daca s-ar duce dracului odata frigul asta si s-ar incalzi! Eh, au aparut in sfarsit. Mai dureaza pana ies si celelalte flori dar ma bucura mult sa le avem si p’astea.Miros foarte puternic, nu ca alea de la florarie…Astea le-a cules frate miu pentru mine.


Granny’s delicious charlotte. I could eat endless amounts of that!

Sarlota facuta de bunica. Absolut delicioasa si adictiva, as manCA CAntitati industriale din asta!


I believe this is called compulsive shopping. Completely “harmless”.

Cred ca asta se numeste shopping compulsiv. Ce? E total “inofensiv”.


Mint shoes and ripped jeans

Pantofi de culoare verde menta si jeansi rupti


My friend’s pretty necklace

Colierul fain al prietenei mele


Me in an H&M dressing room…

Eu arzand-o diva in cabina de proba la H&M…


I tried on this gorgeous peplum top and…of course I loved it and I bought it. Along with the pearls necklace. Both from H&M.

Am probat topul asta cu peplum (v-am zis ca-s obsedata) si…normal ca mi-a placut la nebunie si a trebuit sa-l cumpar. Am mai luat si colierul acesta cu perle, ambele de la H&M.


I also tried on this amazing dress…It was the last one but unfortunately a size too small for me. I usually wear an S and this one was an XS. It fit me quite nicely around my waist and the hips weren’t a problem at all (due to the full cut) but it was super tight around the bust and armpits, so I had to leave the shop without it.

Tot acolo, am mai probat si rochia asta frumoasa…M-am ofticat ca era ultima si din pacate, cu o marime mai mica decat ce-mi trebuia mie. Port in general S iar asta era XS. Si venea bine ea in talie, la solduri nu era problema avand croiala aceea “larga” dar ma strangea la subrate si…cum sa zic. Ma turtea, poftim, in zona pieptului. Din cauza asta n-am luat-o.


A reworked Dior skirt that I recently wore…

O fusta Dior modificata pe care am purtat-o recent…


No name gold necklace

Un colier no name


Green smoothie. I know it looks gross, but trust me, it’s D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!

Smoothie verde. Da, stiu ca arata scarbos si probabil va da senzatia ca si gustul e la fel, dar pe cuvant ca e absolut D-E-L-I-C-I-O-S! Am inceput sa beau din ce in ce mai multe chestii de genul asta daca tot au iesit verziturile pe piata, iar cel din poza asta, l-am facut foarte dulce (fara zahar adaugat). Nu l-as fi baut altfel.


Gorgeous pearl detailing on a thrifted vest I recently bought

Detalii superbe din perlute cusute pe o vesta gasita recent intr-un sh


And speaking of thrifting, this Laurel by Escada jacket is the best purchase I made this month. The gold buttons and detailing remind me of vintage Versace and at first, before checking out the label, that’s what I thought it was! It’s a bit big for me, but I love it so much!

Si vorbind de sh, cred ca vesta asta Laurel by Escada e cea mai tare achizitie facuta luna asta. Initial cand am vazut-o pe umeras, inainte sa verific eticheta, am zis ca trebuie sa fie o ceva vintage Versace, asa parea! Imi este putin mare dar tot imi place enorm!


Bold earrings and a pink headscarf

Cercei mari si o esarfa roz


A thrifted choker

Un colier thriftuit


Pretty prints I pulled out of the closet today…Mainly skirts and dresses I can’t wait to wear again!

Vremea nu tine cu mine dar am scos totusi din dulapuri hainele de primavara, fuste si rochii cu imprimeuri in special pe care abia astept sa le port din nou!


Old teapot from my granny that I use to to hold my flower bouquets.

Un ceainic vechi gasit si sutit din barul bunicii pentru a-mi servi drept vaza.

Cam astea. Iar acum in incheiere, e duminica si stiu ca am promis ca astazi voi alege castigatoarea giveawayului TinaR. Mi-a fost destul de greu sa aleg o castigatoare, toate ati avut perspective interesante:) Asadar, va multumesc tuturor pentru participare iar castigator este comentariul cu numarul 3, Tams. Felicitari! Scrie-mi pe adresa [email protected] pentru a-ti da detaliile cu privire la premiu.


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