1. Zara leather ankle boot style shoe
EN: Last year, when I saw these leopard print shoes online, I knew I had to have them. It was love at first sight. Who cares if they shorten (my already short) legs? Who cares if they’re overpriced? (and yes, they are; I usually feel like everything in Zara is overpriced but maybe that’s just me). I NEEDED these shoes so a few days later I went to the nearest Zara store, determined to buy them. I still don’t know why I left the store empty handed. I ended up regretting it, so a few days later I went back and surprise surprise, they were all sold out! Everywhere. I tried other stores but nothing. So I gave up for a while, untill the black version went online. Fell in love once again – went straight to Zara – bought them.
Me happy now 🙂
It’s a fabulous shoe, very comfortable and well made, and I would most certainly recommend it to anyone who like me, loves the Giuseppe Zanotti sexy-cut out-bondage laced up ankle shoes, but just can’t afford it. The only downside (in my opinion, of course) is the sizing. It’s true that with Zara I usually have to go up a size but with these sandals, I had to go up not one, but two sizes. Other than that…fabulous!
RO: Prima data au fost astea. Entuziasm si fibrilatii, mamă ce misto, gata mi le iau! La cateva zile dupa ce le-am vazut online, m-am dus in cel mai apropiat Zara, hotarata sa raman fara bani sa le cumpar. Ajunsa acolo nu stiu ce s-a intamplat dar odata ce am intrat in cabina de proba, am inceput sa stramb din nas. Si nu le-am luat. (BIG MISTAKE)
Am plecat acasa cu inima impacata, mandra de mine ca n-am cumparat o ALTA pereche de incaltaminte, ca n-am ramas cu 10 lei in portofel si ca nu mai trebuie s-o aburesc pe maica mea ca le-am primit mamă, de la o colegă :-“ Si-am fost ok…o zi. Dupa care le-am vazut nu mai stiu unde online si m-a apucat iar. Iarasi hotarata sa le iau, la cateva zile ma duc inapoi in Zara.
Bineinteles ca nu mai erau. Bineinteles ca am mai fost de atunci in vreo alte 2 magazine si nu mai aveau numarul meu. Bineinteles ca am ramas fara ele. M-am resemnat tacit, continuand sa salivez la ele online. Si mi-a trecut o perioada. Dupa careeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, acum vreo 2-3 saptamani au aparut astea online! Mu. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Glont m-am dus in Afi (chiar m-am intalnit cu o cititoare atunci; Alexandra, gresesc? 😀 Iuhuuu) si le-am luat! Erau toate marimile dar culmea e ca n-am avut nevoie de 38ul sau 39le meu obisnuit. Nu, am fost nevoita sa iau 40 ul /:) Nu stiu de ce sau cat de decalate sunt marimile la modelul asta dar cert este ca pentru mine, care de regula port 38 iar la Zara am nevoie de 39 fiindca nu-mi incape piciorul in 38, de data asta a trebuit sa cumpar un 40. Marimea 38 se simtea ca un 36, 39le ma strangea si abia in 40 m-am simtit comfortabil.
So…tada! Me happy now.
2. H&M sandals

As you probably know by now, I very rarely wear flats and I like myself better in heels. However, there are a lot of situations when high heels just won’t cut it : when it’s snow/ice on the ground (god, how I hate that crap!), when I have to walk on uneven ground or slanted surfaces or when I have to walk a lot. For those types of situations, in the summer, I just had one pair of flat sandals. Purple suede, bought them when I was in highschool and wore them untill a few weeks ago when they literally fell apart. May they rest in peace! So I went to H&M and found these brown ones on sale, for just $12. My size was already sold out but I tried to go a size smaller and surprisingly, they fit. They’re comfy and cute enough for me 🙂
The rings I’m wearing were also an H&M purchase, 10 rings for 8 bucks or so. I’m really into this delicate jewellery stacking, I think it can look really chic! Teeny tiny bracelets or rings stacked together for a layered look can really make a statement! Just not for necklaces or earrings, in that matter I’m still loyal to my chunky pieces haha.
Da, vedeti bine, astea sunt 37. Culmea e ca-mi vin cum trebuie. La Zara ma bag la 40 si la H&M imi vine marimea 37. Dileală totală… Astea le-am cumparat pentru ca erau la reduceri (cumva, nu gasesc justificabil sa cheltuiesc sume mari pe talpă joasă, iar daca se intampla sa cumpar, o fac strict de nevoie). So, singurul motiv pentru care le-am cumparat este ca mi s-a rupt singura pereche de sandale joase si mai am nevoie uneori…ca de exemplu cand plec cu ditai bagajul pe tren sau am de alergat prin oras. Le-am vazut in H&M ul din Afi, erau singura marime sub 41 si au costat 40 de ron. Mai erau vreo 5 perechi de 41, in caz ca sunt doritoare. Sunt comode si dragutele zic eu.
Inelele tot din H&M, 10 inele la set pentru 25 ron 🙂 Sunt foarte subtiri si delicate, astfel ca merg purtate toate, insiruite dupa pofta inimii pe toate degetele. Cred ca am o noua obsesie cu inelele si bratarile de genul asta, finute, imi place ideea alaturarii de cat mai multe astfel de piese. Doar sa fie subtiri 🙂 Si asta numai pentru ce implica mainile, cand vine vorba de gat si urechi, the bigger the bett