That blue green…thing

So these pictures were taken two days ago during a break I had between classes. Me and my colleague went out to grab lunch so I thought why not shoot some outfit pics before seeing food in front of our eyes and eating the whole store.
Pozele astea sunt facute acum 2 zile, in timpul unei pauze pe care am avut-o intre cursuri. Am fost cu o colega sa luam ceva de rontait asa ca m-am gandit sa facem rapid si cateva poze daca tot avem timpul asta la dispozitie(bine, asta inainte sa dam de mancare si sa mancam tot magazinul)

Anyway, I couldn’t be happier that I finally got a chance to wear this skirt. I’ve been crushing on this kind of aqua-green(I don’t know exactly how to describe the color) for a very long time and as I noticed, I’m developing quite a collection of green stuff lately. I have this ski
rt, I have necklaces, a hat, a dress, shoes(you’ll see those as soon as the weather gets warmer), a bag, a blazer, earrings and some other things I can’t remember where I left them (hmmm)
M-am bucurat ca am reusit in sfarsit performanta sa port fusta aceasta. Am o obsesie pentru culoarea asta albastru-verzuie(nu stiu exact cum sa o descriu) de mult timp si din cate am observat, am inceput chiar sa colectionez articole verzi in ultimul timp. Am fusta asta, am cateva coliere, o palarie, o rochie, sandale( o sa le vedeti daca mai vine vara si la noi), o geanta, un sacou, cercei si alte cateva lucruri de care abia acum imi aduc aminte dar habar n-am pe unde le-am lasat:-?

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I was really sad that day cause I lost a bracelet my mother gave me as a gift a while ago. It was pretty old, she got it 30 years ago and she decided I should have it. I loved that bracelet, it was made of silver with some gorgeous big green stones and it was quite valuable also… Really sad(and I mean it)
But I ordered shoes to feel less guilty…more about them when they arrive 😀

Ziua aia a fost totusi trista pentru ca am pierdut o bratara de la mama. O primisem cadou de la ea si era destul de veche, avea in jur de 30 de ani… Mi-a placut foarte mult, era facuta din argint si niste pietre pretioase verzi, mari(ale caror nume evident ca nu-l stiu) si era chiar valoroasa…Bine, putea fii si o coclitura de tinichea, tot mi-ar fi parut rau de ea din cauza vechimii si provenientei…
M-am consolat comandand incaltaminte totusi…dar mai multe despre asta dupa ce primesc coletul 😛 Sau coletele:D

Coat/Haina: Vintage
Skirt/Fusta: ASOS
Sweater/Pulover: Ralph Lauren
Boots/Cizme: Deichmann
Bag/Geanta: Vintage Louis Vuitton
Belt/Curea: Bershka


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