Iar? Iar. Pentru că banii mei nu stau bine la mine în buzunare, am decis să-i las să stea bine în buzunarele altora. În ale Zarei, în ale H&M ului, în ale River Islandului şi altora. Pentru că de ce…
Mămică Doamne, dar n-am mai făcut un wishlist din ’94. Sau aşa am senzaţia. Nu că aş fi rămas fără wish de pus pe list – numai chet ştie în ce sevraj intru când văd câte un acaret pe care…
(vintage skirt, Oasap sweater, H&M jacket, Koton faux fur vest, Topshop booties, New Look bag, H&M tights, sunglasses, necklaces and rings) Pai da, bună, mă! Şi la mulţi ani! Ce faci fetilii? Cum v-aţi petrecut de Revelion? Neavând posibilitatea să…
(Topshop dress, New Look boots, Asos jacket, Zara necklace, Oasap bracelet) With less than three weeks to go untill Christmas, for me, this is the perfect time of year to dress up (more than usual) and go a bit…
(Topshop pumps) EN: Hesuuuuuuuuus! This is the type of shoe that looks gorgeous on the outside but in the same time,makes my feet ache just looking at it. I don’t know what hurts more, the fact that they are so…
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 EN: I’m not sure how appropriate my post is, considering how many ass cheeks I’ve seen in the past few months – I mean, if people consider it ok to dress like that…
(Topshop pants, Oasap blouse, Asos sandals, vintage clutch, Jewelry box bracelet, vintage choker made from a belt) EN: I never in my life, thought that I would ever wear a pair of pants like these! Culottes. Me?!? Ha! If…
(Topshop jeans, Primark top, Zara shoes, Oasap necklace) …bigger is definitely better. At least in my book. It’s no secret that I love chunky, statement jewelry, especially necklaces – and today I’m all about this blue one I got sent…
(Thrifted skirt and top, Nina shoes, H&M earrings and sunnies, vintage jewellery and Coolbag.ro handbag ) EN: Ever stumbled across something fabulous and fallen in love on the spot? That’s what happened to me when I found this skirt…
(Vedeti c-am updatat shopul) (Topshop pants, thrifted shirt, H&M shoes, earrings and sunnies, Oasap bag, River Island bracelets) EN: Let me start by saying that I am by no means a sporty person. I detest almost any form of…
EN: I’m surprised I haven’t done a wishlist post for a while, since my bookmarks menu is full of online shopping links… Anyway, here it goes: RO: Ma mira ca n-am mai facut un wishlist de atata timp, doar am…