ZZ Top – Blue Jeans Blues http://embed.trilulilu.ro/audio/catalinnz/c2c9bc58753452.swf EN: Everytime my mom sees me wearing these jeans she’s like “ My poor kid, she has nothing to wear…She basically lives in one single pair of jeans, gifted by strangers from pity.…
I’m not saying I want winter back (god forbid, I’m mortified just thinking about that crapy ice and the cold) but as much as I love summer and the friendly temperatures, I have to admit I miss layering, wearing my…
Took these photos last week before taking my litlle brother to football practice. I was dressed pretty casual in this 60’s inspired dress that I had for a while. It’s from H&M and not really my type with that boxy…
EN: The thing is I’ve always been drooling over the Miu Miu ss 2010 collection. I’ve never seen anything cuter in my life, especially the shoes. I mean, come oooooooooooooooon: RO: Treaba e ca mereu am fost obsedata de colectia…
EN: Last Monday, I spent a lovely day with the girls from The Hearabouts: Sandra and Evelina. Sandra is one of those people whose legs go on for miles(I secretly hate her for that) and Eve, let’s just say I…
EN: My inspiration for this outfit came from Uliana Sergienko. You know…that gorgeous russian babe, with blue eyes, full lips, long legs and killer style? Perfection if you ask me. She drives me nuts with those skirts of hers and…
EN: One of the collections I really loved for the next season is the Marc by Marc Jacobs one. RO: Una dintre colectiile care mi-a placut foarte mult pentru urmatorul sezon este colectia Marc by Marc Jacobs. I fell deeply…
EN: Do you like my top? Well, it’s not actually a top but a vintage Christian Dior swimsuit that stirred up a bundle of mixed emotions the last time I wore it. I was out with my boyfriend and he…
Sequins are something that I usually didn’t wear…untill recently. I don’t know why but I used to have something against sequins, satin and everything glittery and that’s why this blue sequined top is the only shiny thing in my closet.…
source: tumblr Are you drooling too? 😀 Salivati si voi? 😀
I remember when I purchased these pants. My mom couldn’t stop laughing and almost everybody I know(except for the cat) told me “ wtf, you look like you took a shit in those!” (Ahhhmmm, pardon my french). Well, I never…