*I found this cat while taking the photos and obviously, I had to cuddle. I love cats <3 (Choies skirt, Bershka top, Zara shoes, H&M necklace and rings, Oasap bow bangle, River Island mixed bracelets) Ever since Tibi released those…
M-am manifestat de mai multe ori pe blog vis-à-vis de treaba cu flea markets/târgurile de vechituri, poate vă amintiţi. Mi-aţi zis câteva dintre voi că ar fi prin vestul ţării d’astea (hate you guys!)…
Awwww, cam cât de adorabilă e păpuşa asta? Mai ţineţi voi minte postarea Silent Hill de acum o lună? Aia cu fusta midi de piele neagră şi pălăria floapă? Eh, cei de la Huawei România s-au gândit să-mi facă o…
(Asos skirt, thrifted Zara sweater, Oasap bag, Asos jacket, Zara booties, Oasap necklace, H&M rings) Ever since I can remember, my mom has always told me that blue is the color that suits me best…
Zara high heel leather court shoe with bow Dear shoe addicts, vintage fans and all TOTH readers from abroad, I know I’ve been neglecting you a bit lately (ok, more than a bit) with my Romanian text only, and you’ve…
(Primark skirt, Zara jacket, Bershka vest, vintage YSL sweater, Zara boots and bag, H&M necklaces, One necklace monogram necklace) M-am bucurat mult să văd ce bine a prins postarea de săptămâna trecută cu alimentaţia and stuff! Şi în general mă…
Nu ăla pudrat-pastelat-baby pink, ci ăsta intens, aprins, neon: FUCHSIA. Pentru ultimele luni, fixurile mele s-au concentrat în zona verdelui smarald (şi a sclipiciului/paietelor/glitter, că tot veni vorba), care încă îmi plac şi le prefer în faţa oricărui negru sinistru/cenuşiu dezolant/bej…
(Zara skirt, Stradivarius sweater, vintage bag, old Zara jacket and booties, One necklace necklace, H&M, River Island, no name jewelry) Cum e logic, firesc şi natural, atunci când e nasoleală pe jos, îţi iei şi tu că omu’ nişte ceva…
Green skirt [here] Red skirt [here] Let’s say you already have a green skirt and you get the same thing but in red and then you also buy the purple and the pink version (still waiting for those to…
(Oasap coat, H&M pants, top and rings, Zara necklace, Stradivarius hat, Zara necklace and Oasap booties) In spite of the horrid cold weather, I somehow managed to leave the house a few days ago and take these photos to show…
(Topshop skirt, H&M sweater, earrings and ring, vintage Celine cardigan, One Necklace monogram necklace, New Look boots, Oasap watch)* They did. Cause finding a new, beautiful Celine cardigan with golden buttons, in pristine condition, is definitely what professor Mcgonagall I…
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