În general, cred că e important ca spațiul în care locuiești sau acela în care petreci cea mai mare parte a zilei (în cazul multora, locul de muncă) să fie unul armonios, îngrijit, organizat, primitor – completați pe linia punctată…
Dacă aţi văzut Sex and the City II (filmul, nu serialul), ştiţi că pe la început, Carrie are o replică drăguţă cum că găsirea apartamentului perfect în New York e chirurgie pe creier sau ceva. Acum, sigur, ăla e film.…
Nu ăla pudrat-pastelat-baby pink, ci ăsta intens, aprins, neon: FUCHSIA. Pentru ultimele luni, fixurile mele s-au concentrat în zona verdelui smarald (şi a sclipiciului/paietelor/glitter, că tot veni vorba), care încă îmi plac şi le prefer în faţa oricărui negru sinistru/cenuşiu dezolant/bej…
Because I clearly need another object to obsess about, I now have a thing for those pillows. And for the sequin blanket. And for the lamp. No, I actually have a thing for the entire room. If only I could spend the…
Christmas fever everywhere! Can you feel it? For more Christmasy, wintery, festivey things, check out my Pinterest board Winter!
You know what I’d like to do today? I’d like to… …dress myself in ice cream colors: bubble gum pink, powder blue and soft mint …add a chunky scarf for extra warmth …and go wander the…
EN: Thought I’d share something different with you guys today… Yesterday, as I was surfing the web, I found this amazing story about a woman and her Parisian flat that sat locked up and untouched for 70 years. It seems…
The other day I was online looking for some turquoise decorations and came across this gorgeous set of photos showcasing Catherine Sheppard’s home. She’s a Los Angeles based fashion stylist and owner/founder of The Life Styled (a creative agency which…
I truly believe that by surrounding ourselves with beauty, whether it is beautiful objects, beautiful people or beautiful music, we enrich and enhance the quality of our lives. Beauty, we have heard so many times, lies in the eye of…
(Sources: skonahem.com, emmalinebride.com, dustjacketattic.com, ben dearnley for donna hay, anna gustafsson via ikea, style me pretty, planete) There aren’t many things that excite me more than a beautiful image. As an avid internet user (as I’m sure everyone reading this…