Puss In Boots

Morning ladies, hope you’re all enjoying the weekend!





(Asos coat, River Island skirt, vintage shirt, New Yorker tights, New Look belt, vintage scarf, no name boots, vintage earrings, H&M ring and vintage Chanel bag)

EN: After taking my third exam yesterday, I took the train home and somehow, I almost managed to miss it. I arrived to the railway station about an hour early, naively thinking that 60 minutes will be more than enough to buy a ticket and get seated. Unfortunately I made the mistake of thinking that the ticket ladies behind the counters can actually move. Anyway, the train was like 6 minutes away from leaving and I was near the ticket booth (at first there were twenty-some people ahead of me in line), now with only two ladies in front of me. So I had two options: either I patiently stay in line, lose the train and waste my next few hours languishing the railway station, OR put on my best Puss in Boots face to get the ladies ahead of me to take pity on me and let me buy a bloody ticket. I felt a little embarrassed but it worked. With the help of divine intervention, I somehow managed to buy a ticket. Then I started to run like crazy. And in the very last minute I caught the train. Ta-da!
It was totally worth it, as I’m now writing this post from my comfy bed. It’s so good to be back home in my own bed, with my own fat cats and home cooked meals! So so good, I could happily live off those forever!
Anyway, I still have a project that I need to start finish till Monday when I’ll get back to college. Up until then, I think I’m gonna hit a few thrift shops this morning, hopefully I’ll find some goodies!

Oh, and before I forget, I just wanted to say thank you all for your movie recommendations! I haven’t seen them all yet but I’m working on that 🙂

RO: Dupa ce mi-am dat cel de-al treilea examen ieri, am plecat spre Gara de Nord in ideea de a lua trenul catre casa. Si aproape ca l-am pierdut.
Am ajuns cu vreo ora mai devreme in gara, in naivitatea mea gandindu-ma ca 60 de minute sunt mai mult decat suficiente sa iau un bilet si sa ma urc in vagon. Din pacate nu am luat in calcul specificul moscait al duduilor de la casele de bilete si nici faptul ca era vineri. Vineri inseamna aproape mereu cozi infernale si toate ghiseele ocupate, si cum ieri nu a fost o exceptie, ce sa vezi, gara era full. Ma asez la coada, vreo 20-25 de persoane in fata mea. Aia de la ghiseu descanta biletele. Sau statea la cafea. Nu stiu ce D-zeu facea dar ce facea, facea incet. Stau ce stau, incep sa ma apropii de casa…mai erau vreo 6 minute pana sa plece trenul. Cu vreo 10 minute inainte, ma resemnasem, ma gandeam ca e aproape imposibil sa-l mai prind pe asta si ca va trebui sa-l astept pe urmatorul. Insa intamplarea a facut ca mai erau doar doua doamne in fata mea, si daca mi-ar fi dat voie, as mai fi avut o sansa sa-l prind. Asa ca am avut doua optiuni: ori stau cuminte la coada, pierd trenul si apoi o ard aiurea cu boschetarii prin gara, ORI imi pun fata de Puss in Boots si ma duc sa ma milogesc de cei doi inamici din fata mea. Mi-a fost cam jena dar a tinut manevra. Cumva cu ajutorul interventiei divine, am reusit sa cumpar un nenorocit de bilet. Dupa care am inceput sa alerg disperata, ferm convinsa ca linia e la mama dracului departe de mine si ca mai am foarte putin timp la dispozitie. Intr-adevar departe era, dar am reusit in ultimul minut sa-l prind. Cred ca am fost ultima urcata si oricum, dupa ce am pus piciorul in tren, a trebuit sa traversez vreo 5 vagoane pana am ajuns la cel la care chiar aveam eu loc. Ta-da!
S-a meritat totusi, avand in vedere ca acum va scriu din patul meu comod de acasa. E asa de bine in propriul meu pat, cu proprii mei pisici grasi si cu niste mancare gatita (a se citi comestibila)! As putea sa stau asa tot timpul:D Bineinteles insa ca n-o sa stau, am de inceput terminat un proiect pana Luni cand ma intorc in Bucuresti. Pana atunci insa, cred ca ma duc prin sh-uri sa vad care-i treaba. Sper sa prind ceva bunatati!

Ah, si inainte sa uit, vroiam sa va multumesc pentru sugestiile din postarea anterioara cu privire la filme! Am inceput sa vad din ele, inca nu le-am terminat pe toate, dar lucrez la asta 😀


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