(vintage Etro skirt, Asos sequin top, old Zara jacket, Stradivarius boots, Zara bag, River Island and H&M jewelry) It’s really cold in Romania at the moment but I promised myself that this…
M-am manifestat de mai multe ori pe blog vis-à-vis de treaba cu flea markets/târgurile de vechituri, poate vă amintiţi. Mi-aţi zis câteva dintre voi că ar fi prin vestul ţării d’astea (hate you guys!)…
(Topshop skirt, H&M sweater, earrings and ring, vintage Celine cardigan, One Necklace monogram necklace, New Look boots, Oasap watch)* They did. Cause finding a new, beautiful Celine cardigan with golden buttons, in pristine condition, is definitely what professor Mcgonagall I…
(vintage skirt, Oasap sweater, H&M shoes and hat, Oasap necklace) At the moment, Romania is pretty much the epitome of Silent Hill (the game that is), being all foggy and creepy. And I for one definitely don’t mind, as I…
(vintage skirt, Oasap sweater, H&M jacket, Koton faux fur vest, Topshop booties, New Look bag, H&M tights, sunglasses, necklaces and rings) Pai da, bună, mă! Şi la mulţi ani! Ce faci fetilii? Cum v-aţi petrecut de Revelion? Neavând posibilitatea să…
(H&M skirt, no name top, Oasap necklace, vintage belt, Forever 21 shoes, and Asos jacket hidden somewhere in the left corner of the photos) EN: While I wouldn’t exactly characterize my usual outfits as „dressed up”, most of them…
(River Island skirt, Zara booties and bag, vintage Yves Saint Laurent sweater, Asos jacket, H&M hat and necklace) EN: Don’t know about where you live but in Romania is snowing. Snowing like crazy. Snowing like Andy Biersack said “It’s…
(vintage leather skirt, Zara booties and bag, Oasap top, no name necklace) (Oasap sweater, New Look boots, River Island skirt and bracelet) First, the one with the pink leather skirt. How awesome…
(handmade skirt, Bershka sweater, Oasap bracelet, vintage bag) I think a maxi skirt is one of the most versatile garments in a woman’s closet. It’s comfortable, works with a wide variety…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb1YI2CKSyo] This is just too awesome not to share it with you guys! A few days ago, one of my nicest followers (Manuela, thank you babe!) showed me this amazing documentary featuring 6 very stylish ladies with the…
(Potocaliu coat, Forever 21 shoes, vintage belt, Zara necklace) E verde smarald. Şi e frumoasă. Firesc, aşa am vrut să încep. Dar înainte de asta, înainte de a vă spune cât de încântată sunt de haină, cât de mult…