EN: It’s starting to smell like autumn. There’s a chill in the air, the afternoons are warm and gilterring, the sun sets faster, the mosquitoes are gone (YES!) and the threes have a brand new wardrobe in gorgeous, mottled colors: brick red, scarlet, dark gold, warm yellows, crimson, rufous and soft orange. I’m craving cinnamon wine, pumpkin and apple pie and most of all, I’m dying to feel the smell of baked chestnuts!
Likewise, my wardrobe it’s starting to feel the change… I packed away most of my summer clothes and took all of my thicker clothes out of storage, including my beloved over the knee boots and fedora hats. I can’t wait to wear them again!
As you can see, I’m already enjoying my hats and this particular one it’s a new-comer in closet. Vintage of course, as well as most of my outfit.
I’m wearing a pair of thrifted velvet Cacharel pants, a Miss Selfridge sheer blouse, Jeffrey Campbell shoes, vintage blazer, bag and hat and H&M rings.
RO: Incepe sa miroasa zdravan a toamna. Se simte o racoare in atmosfera, dupa amiezile splendide, soarele apune mai repede, tantari ioc (DA!), copacii colorati in nuante pestrite de caramiziu, rosu aprins, stacojiu, galbenuri calde, auriu inchis, aramiu si oranjuri blande… Stiu si eu sa fac compuneri de clasa a 3a sau ce? 😀
Mi-e pofta de vin cu scortisoara si de placinta de dovleac sau de mere, si mi-e foarte pofta de mirosul castanelor coapte. Se simte o schimbare si in dulapul meu. Am impachetat hainele subtiri, de vara si am facut loc celor groase, inclusive mult iubitelor cizme peste genunchi si palarii, pe care abia astept sa le port mai des! Am inceput sa le port defapt…Cea din postarea de astazi este cumparata recent. Vintage desigur, ca majoritatea pieselor ce alcatuiesc tinuta.
Port o pereche de pantaloni din catifea Cacharel gasiti intr-un sh, o bluza usor transparenta Miss Selfridge, pantofi Jeffrey Campbell, geanta, palarie si sacou vintage si inele H&M.