Crazy legs

I spent this last weekend in my hometown doing nothing productive-eating lots and lots of junk(blame the granny), sleeping too much, digging through piles of stuff I don’t wear anymore and should throw away, shopping with my mother for vintage pieces(I got some goodies you’ll soon see), drinking iced tea, realizing my cat gets fatter and fatter everytime I come home, watching Psycho(again, for like the zillion time) and getting measured by the lady who alters my clothes.

Mi-am petrecut weekendul trecut acasa, in provincie, nefacand mare lucru- mai exact, mancand multe, multe prostii(sunt scuzata, e vina bunicii), dormind prea mult, rascolind prin tonele de haine pe care nu le mai port si pe care ar trebui sa le arunc dar nu ma indur, cumparand vintageuri cu mama(am luat niste bunatati pe care le veti vedea in curand), band ceai cu gheata, dandu-mi seama ca motanul meu devine din ce in ce mai gras de fiecare data cand vin acasa, uitandu-ma la Psycho(din nou, pentru a miliarda oara) si luandu-mi-se masurile de tanti care imi modifica hainele.

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Anyway, this is what I wore while going shopping. The weather was fine so I didn’t need any covering but the shoes killed me. Seems weird considering the low heel but trust me, they are little murderers. Besides that, the only uncomfortable things were the stares(had to take this shots before leaving the house, I had a feeling I won’t be able to do them while being in the city). But that’s fine, even my mom said those leggings are crazy:))

Iar asta am purtat cand am mers la cumparturi. Vremea a fost placuta si n-am mai avut nevoie de nimic pe deasupra dar pantofii m-au terminat. Pare ciudat avand in vedere ce micut e tocul dar credeti-ma, aveti in fata o pereche asasina. Pe langa asta, singurul lucru incomod a fost holbatul(aveam un sentiment inca de cand m-am imbracat ca n-o sa pot face pozele in oras tocmai din cauza asta, asa incat le-am facut pe picior de plecare, inainte de a ne urca in masina). Dar e ok, daca pana si mama a zis ca leggingsi astia sunt bolnavi:))

Leggings: no name

Clutch: vintage

Shoes/Pantofi: Stradivarius

Sweater/Pulover: no name

Glasses/Ochelari: Orsay


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