Elementary my dear Watson

(Zara dress and bag, River Island shoes, H&M necklace, Stradivarius cuffs and vintage Givenchy earrings)

EN: I’m a firm believer that the most important thing when getting dressed is to be aware of your body shape.
Dressing for your body type is crucial, therefore the first and the most important thing before buying clothes is to know your own body type and choose clothes that flatter it.
Okkkkk then.
Having said that, please acknowledge that I’m wearing a dress that does absolutely nothing for my figure. Don’t I sound more credible now? Thought so.
I’m not sure why I do this sort of things, I just happen to see pretty clothes looking good on hangers, I like, I don’t think and I buy. The only problem is that clothes are meant to look great on bodies, not hangers. And this particular dress would be a brilliant choice for an apple shape, which I’m definitely NOT! Anyway, even though it looks like a striped shapeless sack on me, I do like it. It’s just that I look better in fitted (not tight) clothes which accentuate my waist.
And I’m a big whiner.
Hugs accepted.

Gotta go, nasty exam coming up today. Wish me luck!!!

RO: Cred cu tarie ca cel mai important factor de luat in calcul atunci cand ne imbracam este forma corpului nostru.
Indeosebi la cumparaturi, cunoasterea propriei siluete, a proportiilor si croielilor ce ni se potrivesc, sunt, dupa parerea mea, cruciale. Mi-a luat cativa ani sa inteleg chestia asta si inca am dubii in ceea ce priveste structura corpului meu.
Insa. Acestea fiind spuse, hai sa va demonstrez in ce hal imi bubuie capu’.
Observati va rog ca port o rochie care face…nimic pentru forma corpului meu :> Nu-i asa ca par mai credibila acum? Stiam eu.
Nu stiu sigur de ce iau lucruri de genul asta, pur si simplu le vad atarnand frumos pe umeras, dupa care: place, nu gandesc, cumpar. Singura problema (pe care o constientizez mult dupa momentul golirii portofelului) este ca hainele ar fi ideal sa vina bine pe corp…nu pe umeras. Si n-ar strica sa le si probez. Iar rochia asta in special, ar veni minunat pe o silueta tip mar, ceea ce eu categoric NU sunt. In fine, imi place oricum. Chiar daca arata ca un sac dungat fara forma pe mine. Toata treaba e ca in general imi sta mai bine cu haine croite aproape de corp (nu neaparat stramte), care imi accentueaza talia.
Si desigur, imi place sa ma vait.
Bagati pupici. Consolare accepted.

Am fugit, in cateva ore am examen. Tineti-mi pumnii!!!

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