Facebook has won


EN: Ever since I started this blog, one of the most common questions I get is “Do you have a Facebook account?” and my answer always was “Sorry, I don’t. But I’ll sure let you know if I ever get one!”
Anyway, the thing is I was really bored last night so I decided to give it a try and now, [drums please] I have a Facebook page! If you’d be kind enough to join me there, that’d be great 🙂 Here’s the link: facebook

RO: Inca de la infiintarea blogului, una dintre cele mai frecvente intrebari pe care le primesc este “Ai Facebook?” iar raspunsul meu era intotdeauna “ Imi pare rau, n-am. Dar sigur o sa anunt daca o sa-mi fac vreodata!”
Eh, treaba e ca mi-am facut 😀 Azi noapte tarziu, din prea multa plictiseala si lipsa de somn, m-am decis sa incerc. Va rog aplauze, sunt acum in “rand cu lumea” :> Si daca nu e prea mare deranjul iar raspunsul la intrebarea “vrei sa fii prietena mea?” este da, atunci va rog prestati si la mine un add 😀 Linkul este acesta: facebook

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Weekend placut in continuare!


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