Get out


EN: Took these photos a while ago and totally forgot to post them. See?!? Told ya the alzheimers creeping in.

If i remember correctly, there was snow on the ground therefore cold, so It was only natural that I decided to continue my masochistic habits and freeze my ass off in…just a poncho.
Worn with Stradivarius jeans, Zara booties, C&A bag, no name beret and tops (yes, I was wearing 3 tops underneath that bloody poncho and I was still cold) and Meli Melo sunnies.

Anyway…it’s a beautiful day outside so what are you doing inside reading this?!?

RO: Pozele astea sunt facute acum ceva vreme (posibil in Cuaternar) dar am uitat complet sa le postez. Vedeti?!? V-am spus eu ca ma paşte un alzheimer mic.
Daca imi aduc aminte corect, era un frig crancen afara, troieni de zapada inca pe asfalt (normal) si deci, conditiile ideale pentru a da frau liber pornirilor mele masochiste si a capitula neconditionat in fata gerului. Adica am inghetat bre. In ponchoul ala tricotat.
L-am purtat cu jeansi de la Stradivarius, botine Zara, geanta de la C&A, bereta si cele 3 bluze de pe dedesubt (impotente de altfel in a-mi tine cald) no name si ochelarii de la Meli Melo.

Trecand peste vremurile astea crancene…sper eu duse dracului pana la iarna de anul viitor, e o zi frumoasa afara, asa ca ce faceti in casa citind asta?!? Afara!


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