I used to go thrifting almost every day

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(Koton faux fur vest, thrifted Dolce & Gabbana skirt, Stradivarius boots, C&A bag, Meli Melo hat, thrifted sweater, no name belt, vintage bracelets) 
EN: Not sure what I did and how I did, but somehow I deleted all the comments on my last post, the one with the embellished sandals. “Hooray”. 
Anyway, this is something I would have worn in high school. I obviously had no over the knee boots (not that I would ever had been allowed to wear them, ahem) or a floppy hat, and back then, my outfits pretty much consisted of flared pants/jeans, lots of fringes and some kind of 70’s prints. I was really drawn to that fashion era, very bold and extravagant and crazy and…well, very me. Not to mention the music! My god, I love(d) Queen, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Scorpions, Blondie, Bee Gees, Alice Cooper, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Kiss, and many many other bands I’m still currently listening to. (Seriously getting all nostalgic with my music here). 
Anyway, I’m so happy I rediscovered this skirt! I wore it a few days ago while out, running some errands. It was one of my first thrift store finds and probably one of the bests. I was such an avid thrifter back then, in highschool. I used to go thrifting almost every day and I would still do it if it wasn’t for time, university, the new city and all, but I’ve also become much more selective in what I’ll buy! I guess I just have too many unwearable pieces… 
 RO: Nu stiu ce dracu am facut, pe ce-am apasat, cum am reusit, dar am sters fara sa vreau toate comentariile de la postarea anterioara. Am facut treaba :> Erau vreo 10-15, cred. (Daca m-ati intrebat vreo ceva, sa stiti ca n-am vazut)
Ăsta e genul de tinuta pe care l-as fi purtat in liceu (asta daca as fi avut pe atunci cizme peste genunchi -ha! Nici nu visam la asa ceva; plus ca n-as fi avut voie cu ele la scoala-, palarii floppy si ceva mai mult curaj). Clasa a12a cred ca eram, cam pe atunci o ardeam hippie. A 9a si jumatate din a10a purtam tricouri cu Metallica cu 4 numere mai mari (gen rochie, de-mi ajungeau pana la genunchi), pantaloni negri si tot felul de bratari ciudatele, de paream a fi in doliu permanent. Ceea ce era ciudat, pentru ca eram foarte vesela si vivace dealtfel. Atata tot ca ma imbracam…ciudatel sa zicem :> Dupa faza asta a urmat perioada sport (aveam tot soiul de pantofi sport, sepci si bluze de trening) – n-a durat din fericire – si apoi am dat-o usor usor pe pantaloni evazati, franjuri si imprimeuri in stilul anilor 70. Tot in perioada aia a inceput sa creasca inaltimea tocurilor si sa prind gust pentru vintage/thrift/sh, cum vreti sa-i spuneti. Cam pe atunci am gasit fusta asta, era una dintre primele mele piese de designer. Mi-aduc aminte ca topaiam de bucurie la momentul ala, eram extaziata de ce luasem eu pe cativa lei. Dupa care a intervenit (desigur) fenomenul m-am plictisit de tine, am altceva nou, mai frumos acum, si-am uitat de ea. Ne-am regasit de curand (cu bucurie), in pod, la Buzau. 
Vacanta asta n-am prins mare lucru in second hand uri, am fost de vreo 2-3 ori in cautari dar fara prea mare succes (la modul de cantitate sau eticheta, cateva lucruri dragutele am gasit totusi). Pe de alta parte, referitor la noutati si highstreet, a vazut cineva cumva colectia Rihannei pentru River Island? Personal, mi s-a parut execrabila. Iubesc River Island (a mia oara cand spun) dar m-a dezamagit rau banalitatea aia de bumbac gri (sper ca bumbac, desi parca vad ca e polyester) cu aer 90’s. Sunt curioasa de preturi 😕



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