Just like a tattoo

(Miss Selfridge dress, Zara sandals, vintage earrings, New Yorker watch)

EN: As strange as it may sound, my best friend lives in another country. She went to live there permanently when we were 12 and since then we’ve been writing letters to each other, meeting online and seeing each other during our summer vacations. It’s a long wait indeed but when the time comes and we get together, it’s insanely fun!
She’s one of those crazy girls who changes her mind like she changes her hair color (three times a month, from blue to yellow) and she loves partying and dancing her heart out-usually with some bad-ass soldier-looking guy with tattoos or piercings. In fact, she’s dating one right now and the other day I was talking to her (she’s in town now) about him and she was all like: “ Oh my God Andreea, he’s so funny and cool and awesome and those tattooooooooos!!! Oh my God, those tattooos !”
Haha, I laughed but I have to admit it, I love myself a hot tough guy who has gotten tattoos or piercings. Especially tattoos. Don’t we all? For me, there’s always something intriguing about someone who makes that kind of statement on his skin. Makes me think about the meaning and the story behind it- I’m talking in terms of body art here, not some sort of cheesy tattoo with a heart and an arrow through it.
Hmm… I’m actually thinking of getting a quote tattooed on my inner wrist…
What do you think?
RO: Ok, fara nicio legatura cu venirea prietenei de mai sus in tara (yeeeeeeey, motiv de bucurie maxima!) si cel mai probabil fara sa fie subiect de interes, simt nevoia sa anunt ca sunt in culmea fericirii! (Pozele nu sunt foarte concludente in privinta asta, ma zbateam intr-o letargie crunta cand le-am facut).
Nu, nu mi s-a intamplat nimic deosebit sau exceptional, n-am castigat la loto, Johnny e la fel de departe, nu ma marit si in principiu am aceiasi viata banala din totdeauna, INSA m-am bucurat teribil sa regasesc ceva ce credeam ca am pierdut.
Il mai tineti voi minte pe Grizolino? Motanul cenusiu pe care-l recomandam ca fiind tembel?
Eh, in urma cu vreo luna a disparut. Fara urma. Puff. Pa. Goodbye. Nicht Grizolino. In primele zile a fost ok (l-am banuit ca de obicei ca e la peţit de pisici prin vecini) iar dupa vreo saptamana de absenta am inceput sa intram in panica. A mai trecut una…si inca una…trei saptamani fara sa mai stim nimic de el. Si tocmai cand eram convinse si eu si mama ca e intr-o lume minunata, in compania lui Sânt Petru pisicesc, la papat de Whiskas…Grizolino a aparut! Foarte slab si jigarit, plin de scaieti si fara blanita in anumite zone, dar la fel de tembel, torcaitor si iubitor ca de obicei.
Oare de ce ne dam seama de importanta celor din viata noastra abia atunci cand ii pierdem? 🙂
P.S. Nu va ingrijorati. Grizo e la cura. De ingrasare.
O sa fie balon in no time.


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