Let it snow, let it sn…yeah right.

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(Mango denim jacket, River Island pants and bracelets, vintage shirt and hat, Oasap bag, Pull & Bear faux fur collar, Zara booties) 

EN: I really think that waking up before 9 am should be illegal. Especially during the winter months. And 8 am classes. And leggings worn as pants, for that matter… 
Anyway, yesterday I had an 8 am class so I had to get up at 6 am just to be ready in time and go out in this dreadful weather we’re having in Romania right now. I couldn’t believe my eyes two days ago (and I still can’t) when I got up and saw snow! Yes people, it’s the end of March and I’m freezing my ass off over here. Therefore, please excuse my lack of creativity with today’s outfit, I’m living in horrible conditions you guys! And kudos to you if you’re not bored (or annoyed) of my harem pants yet. I know most people hate them because …well, they’re not very flattering. I do agree that they shorten the legs and they remind you of Mc Hammer but they are really comfortable and I can do a lot of layering underneath that excess fabric (here I was wearing 3 pairs of tights). 
Accessories wise, I just got this bag from Oasap after a huge fight I had with the post office worker (obviously). I hate it so much when this happens but for some reason, I always have problems with my packages. Damn you, post office. 
Anyway, the bag is super pretty in that raspberry color and it has gold detailing with the chain strap and all. Perfect for color blocking and summer… 
RO: Acum imi dau seama ca am mai facut o data, prin iarna, o varianta a tinutei asteia. Aveam alte bluze sigur si alte bijuterii, posibil si alte incaltari, dar in rest cred ca e tot aia. Ce sa zic, e un fel de “fail safe outfit” pentru zilele in care am creierii prea terci/prea putina inspiratie/prea putin chef sau, cazul de fata, vremea face misto de mine la modul grav. Nu mai incep iar (i-am facut capul calendar maica mii la telefon povestindu-i ce MIZERIE de vreme e in Bucuresti – nu ca in Buzau ar fi altfel) dar simt nevoia sa mentionez iarasi ca MA. SCOATE. DIN. MINTI! Ceea ce stiati deja oricum… 
Planuisem si pe dracu pentru ziua asta (aveam de gand sa-mi iau o fusta de piele, cu pantofi si jacheta pe talie…mda, penibil la momentul de fata) dar cand m-am trezit si am vazut (nu numai ca inca e zapada, ba chiar) ca ninge din nou si e si gheata pe jos iar eu trebuie sa ajung in celalalt capat al orasului la 8 dimineata, s-a dus dracului tot planul meu de divenie si a trebuit sa ma rezum strict la a nu-mi fi frig. Cu estetica…mai tarziu. Pe moment ramanem la pantaloni d’astia care nu va plac voua (dar sunt super comozi si-mi permit ciorapi multi pe dedesubt) si tricou peste tricou peste tricou peste…da, tricou. Am primit si geantă noua de la Oasap (am uitat s-o fotografiem de aproape ca era mult prea frig si Diana fotografiana oricum ma injura si asa) care e foarte dragutica si vesela si colorata. Spre deosebire de vremea asta hidoasa… Mi s-a parut o idee buna sa iau si umbrela cu mine cand am plecat de acasa, just in case ca se inteteste ninsoarea (defapt, o tot car dupa mine de ceva vreme), si evident ca n-am folosit-o. Cand am nevoie de ea, n-o iau. 
In alta ordine de idei, plec la Buzau weekendul asta (si abia astept). Am avut grija sa-mi procur pentru drum ultimul volum din trilogia Fifty Shades (pentru cine m-a intrebat – si imi cer scuze ca n-am raspuns, din varii motive – cartile pot fi procurate de pe http://www.librarie.net/ ) si sa-mi incarc playerul cu Rammstein (sa fiu sigura ca nu mai patesc ca data trecuta, cand am facut Bucuresti-Buzau cu manele duduind din telefoane). Iar dupa ce ajung, daca se potoleste vremea, vreau sa iau secondurile la rand, toate toate. Sa am de ce ma enerva ca nu gasesc nimic :>



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