(Thrifted pants and belt, vintage Versace jacket, Zara booties and top, Oasap bag and bracelet)
EN: So, a few weeks ago I moved. Again – yes, probably the milionth time since I started living alone in Bucharest – but here’s the twist: this time I have apartment mates. Not one, but two : my best friend Madalina, who you can see above, and this spanish dude she came with (long story short, she lived in Spain for the last ten years and she’s spending this year here, in Romania). Anyway, a few days ago we were bored and decided to go to IKEA, to stare at pretty things and buy them – especially those that are completely useless. And so we did and got back home with a mirror (apparently, the other 4 we have in the house aren’t enough), 36 small candles (yes, 36. You never know when you run out of aromatherapy, now don’t you?), 3 big candles (in case the other 36 would vanish or something), some sort of a candle holder and two Christmas tree lights decorations. Not for the tree itself, no. That would be boring. We placed one on my bed’s board (not sure if I’m using the right word but I’m talking about a panel, something similar to this one) and the other one hangs over a mirror. They look pretty in the night – wish I would have taken photos! Anyway, afterwards we want to this mall that was near. Didn’t spend much time there as it was way too crowded, but we did buy shoes something and sat for a few minutes at Starbucks. I adore that (overpriced) chocolate cake they make! Yum.
About my outfit: I wore mainly thrifted items, starting with my vintage Versace jacket (which I love love love!), thrifted pants and belt, old Zara top and booties, Oasap bag and bracelet.
Doing anything fun this weekend? 🙂 I’ll be going to my parents for the next couple of days, can’t wait!
RO: Una bucata banana buzată la IKEA. Eu.
Da, deci weekendul trecut am fost la IKEA, ulterior Baneasa – mallul unde nuca de inghetata costa 10 lei (trecem peste). Prietena si mai nou colega de apartament, Madalina (poate vi-o amintiti de aici), a mers sambata trecuta cu mine in cautare de prostii inutile. Sigur, mi-ar folosi o pilota daca tot a venit frigul si n-am mai dat pe la Buzau din Septembrie. Sigur, ne-ar ajuta un polonic. Un tocator. Cateva strachini. Dar nu puteam, NU PUTEAM, in niciun caz, nu puteam rata lumanarile parfumate -36 dă bucati (sa fie, ca nu se stie niciodata cand ramai fara aromaterapie). Deopotriva vazele de flori (ma rog, aia de mi-am luat-o eu arata mai mult a borcan de iaurt). O oglinda, sa se asorteze cu cele 4 deja existente in casa. Un felinar – pai lumanarile 36 in ce le bagi?!?! Plus alte 3 parfumate, la borcan, care nu incap in felinar. Si ca sa fie treaba treaba, am luat si 2 instalatii de pom. Numai ca nu le folosim pentru pom. Nu. Prea banal. Una am lipit-o de tablia patului iar ailalta sta spanzurata de oglinda mare. Ambele beculesc frumos in noapte. Achizitii reusite, absolut vitale, can’t live without shiny becs in my room.
Anyway, dupa asta si dupa poze (am documentat smecheria, sa stie toata lumea ca am pantaloni galbeni din sh. Va plac, da? Asa.), ca tot era aproape, hai si-n Baneasa zic. Weekend fiind, aglomeratie maxima – motiv pentru care n-am stationat prea mult acolo. Am fost in vreo 2 magazine, ne-am luat de incaltat (logic), apoi o tura rapida la Starbucks (logic reloaded) si-am taiat-o spre casa.
Bottom line: niciodata in viata asta (sper sa) nu mai calc in malluri in weekend.
Am purtat o jacheta sh (dar ma laud ca e un Versace vintage), pantaloni sh, curea sh (ce dracu, daca tot am fost in mall, sa se vada c-am valoare), bluza si botine Zara, geanta si bratara Oasap.
Ah da. Iar lumanarile miros foarte frumos indeed.