RO: Treaba e ca mereu am fost obsedata de colectia Miu Miu primavara-vara 2010. Nici pana acum n-am vazut ceva mai dragalas decat ea, mai ales pantofii. Cum sa rezisti la asa cevaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:
Anyway, at that point, paying 800$ for a pair of shoes seemed rather unlikely, unless an unforeseen inheritance droped into my lap. Sweet dreams… So,for the moment I had to take my thoughts away from the satin candy goodness, untill this year, when I scored these babies over E-bay for a fraction of the first price. You know that feeling when you buy some awesome piece of clothing or some great shoes and you wonder how you ever managed to get dressed without it? Well, that’s how I felt after getting my new Miu Miu shoes.
Ma rog, la momentul acela, putin probabil sa fi avut 800$ de dat pe o pereche de pantofi, decat daca mi-ar fi picat in cap o mostenire de la vreo matusa pierduta prin Canare. Vise… Eh, pana la urma a trebuit sa-mi iau gandul de la bombonelele de satin, pana cand, anul acesta, am gasit perechea aceasta pe Ebay pentru doar o parte din pretul original. Stiti sentimentul acela cand cumparati o haina noua fabuloasa sau niste pantofi grozavi si apoi va intrebati “cum naiba am reusit sa ma imbrac pana acum fara asta?” ? Eh, cam asa m-am simtit eu dupa ce am primit pantofii astia.
What’s funny is that now I kinda don’t want to wear them because they are so perfect and I’m afraid I’ll spoil their perfection…
Ce e amuzant acum e ca nu prea vreau sa-i port de frica de a nu le strica perfectiunea…