Oh well, at least the dress was nice




(River Island leggings, New Yorker boots, thrifted jacket, no name accessories)

EN: And you guys thought I was stylish! Ha.
Well, I would if I could, but I can’t so I won’t.
The past couple of days I’ve been basically wearing the same thing: thick tights underneath thick pants(I miss my skirts), layers and layers of tops, ugly shoes (this kind of big boots are the only ones that keep me from falling on ice) and the rest of the winter proof arsenal such as hats, gloves and scarves.

RO: Si voi care credeati ca sunt stylish! Ha.
Ma rog, as fi daca as putea, dar nu pot asa ca nu sunt.
De cand ne-a lovit era glaciara, n-am purtat altceva afara de ciorapi grosi sub pantaloni grosi (mi-e dor de fuste), straturi si straturi de bluze, incaltari hidoase (genul asta de bocanci fiind singurele pe care le pot purta fara sa alunec pe gheata) si desigur, restul arsenalului anti degerat, format din caciuli, manusi si fulare. Nu suport vremea asta de nicio culoare, si cred ca nici ea pe mine. Era sa mor alunecand in spagat de vreo 3 ori. Cool, stiu.


Thing is, this weather makes me feel like I have nothing to wear. So I shop.
Few days ago I went shopping with my mom and I tried on these pants first. They looked good on the hanger, all sparkly and nice, but when I tried them on…disaster. The cut was so weird, I’ve never seen pants so ill-fitting. And that’s just wrong, clothes should fit you, you needn’t fit them!

Nu-mi arde nici de cochetareala, am senzatia ca daca nu ma pot incalta cu nimic decent, n-am nici cu ce ma imbraca. Asa ca ma duc la cumparaturi.
M-am dus acum cateva zile cu mama prin oras si am gasit pantalonii astia scurti la New Yorker. Erau si la reduceri asa ca am zis sa-I probez. Aratau bine pe umeras, stralucitori si luciosi asa, dar nu prea. I-am imbracat si mi s-au parut foarte ciudati, croiti execrabil cu o talie ciudata si un format tembel. Ceea ce e aiurea, hainele ar trebui sa ni se potriveasca noua, nu noi lor!


Later on, I went thrifting and I found some great things that will be fun to use when spring arrives. I also bought some pretty jewellery this week…

Mai tarziu am fost si prin sh uri si am gasit niste lucruri grozave. De care bineinteles ca nu ma voi putea bucura pana nu se termina cu porcaria asta de iarna. Am mai luat si niste bijuterii zilele astea…


And hair dye. I like to experiment with my hair so I thought i should lighten it a couple of shades. Don’t worry, it won’t turn out to be that fair, I just want to make it a nice light brown.

Si vopsea de par. Ma bate gandul de o schimbare de mult si m-am gandit ca n-ar fi o idee rea sa ma deschid putin la culoare. Nu va ganditi ca o sa-mi iasa nuanta la fel de blonda ca cea a gagicii de pe cutie, va fi doar un saten mai deschis.



In my last post I was telling you about some new furry friends my mom recently brought home. Ta-da! Two fluffy rabbits, the black one is a girl and we named her Angelina Jolie, haha, and the white one is the boy and we call him Panda 😀

Va spuneam in ultima postare de niste prieteni parosi noi. Ta-da! Intr-o zi a venit mama acasa cu 2 iepurasi 😀 Cel negru e fetita si am numit-o Angelina Jolie iar cel alb e baietel si ii spunem Panda:))



Aren’t these the cutest paper bags ever? I bought some earrings from C&A and I was super excited to see them wrapped in these girly packages. They remind me of popcorn bags…

Nu-i asa ca-s dragalase foc ambalajele astea? Mi-am luat niste cercei de la C&A si duduia de la casa mi i-a impachetat in chestiile astea simpatice. Imi aduc aminte de pungile de popcorn…


I know this may come as a shock but I do bath.

Si stiu ca asta va veni ca un soc, da’ chiar ma spal.


So. Gossip girl. I just finished watching the latest episode and I’m a bit disappointed. A few years ago I used to be a big fan of the show but now they just seem to recycle their plot lines over and over. It’s boring, full of clichés and so p
redictable! The only reason why I’m still watching it is the eye candy=great styiling.

Deci Gossip Girl(pentru cei care nu urmariti serialul,treceti de partea asta). Tocmai am terminat de vazut ultimul episod si am ramas la fel de dezamagita ca acum 2, 3, 4, 20, 40 de episoade. Ce naiba se intampla, mi se pare aceiasi tampenie repetata iar si iar si iar! Imi placea mult la inceput, conflictul era interesant si replicile foarte bine gandite. Acum ma plictiseste de moarte, nu trec 30 de secunde fara un nou cliseu, platitudini la tot pasul si e atat de previzibil! Nu ma mai surprinde cu nimic…asta pe langa faptul ca personajele se contrazic frecvent. Si care-i faza cu universitatea?!?! Adica stiu ca e doar un serial si ca toti astia d’al da Blair, Chuck, Nate, Serena, Georgina samd, sunt multi-milionari din calitatea lor de someri producatori de schimb de oxigen, dar parca acum 2 sezoane erau cu educatia, colegiul, alea alea. Gata? Dupa un an? Misto, e bun sistemul, ar trebui sa-l implementam si noi. Ma rog, poate sunt eu carcotasa. Ma uit in continuare in orice caz, mai mult din cauza stylingului.




Anyway, this last episode bored the hell out of me. All that crap with Georgina trying to destroy Blair’s wedding and Chuck’s arrival at the church…I just don’t buy it. Not to mention Blair’s boring lines. I miss her bitchyness:(
And what about the Prince? Dude, you’re so lame.

Ca sa ma pastrez pe aceiasi linie, ultimul episod m-a plictisit de moarte. Tot cretinismul ala cu Georgina care vine ea de nu stiu unde sa ii distruga nunta lui Blair( /:) alta treaba n-ai?) si Chuck chemat de soacra mica sa intrerupa nunta, cum apare el ma la biserica si cum ii marturiseste Blair ca ea tot il iubeste da’ stai sa vezi ca juramantul (alt cretinism) si Doamne Doamne si mai baga si 2 lacrimi de crocodil si gata cliseul. Era mult mai interesanta in ipostaza aia bitchy din primul sezon. Acum…pana si cu Dan se pupa.
Si care-i treaba cu Printul? Mai papagal se poate? Sa nu ne pripim totusi, ca din episodul asta se face Gigi Duru si-i arata el lui Blair raraila. Rrrrrrrrr. R.



Oh well, at least Serena’s pink dress was nice.

In fine, bine ca macar Serena a avut rochia misto. Aia roz.


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