One can never have enough shoes

(clockwise : H&M pink glitter peep-toes, Zara black&red pumps, H&M black glittery pumps, H&M silver pumps and Zara nude pumps
EN: Yes, I bought shoes. Not all at once obviously – I’m not THAT obsessed, even though they are highstreet shoes so they weren’t too expensive. Anyway, I got the first pair back in January and ever since, I can hardly wait for spring so I can have a chance to wear them! 
RO: Da, mi-am luat pantofi. Stiti doar ca nu am cu ce ma incalta. 
Nu i-am luat pe toti odata (nici macar eu nu-s atat de obsedata, cu toate ca sunt articole de highstreet si deci nu ar fi costat foarte mult), ci pe parcursul a vreo doua luni…de la inceputul anului. Exceptand perechea nude, toate sunt luate de la reduceri. Si abia astept sa le port!

Noticing a pattern here? All of them have a 4-5 inch heel and besides the pink glittery pair (which also has a small platform), they all have pointy toes… 
Observati un tipar aici? Toate perechile au toc de 10-12 cm (m-am tampit…), m-a cuprins febra varfului ascutit, si afara de sclipiciosii roz, nicio pereche nu are platforma.


This pair was the most expensive (and the most painful to wear, I might add) but it’s also the one I like the best. Also, it’s the only one still available in stores. 
If you remember this post, I was telling you how obsessed I was with the black pointy version of the vamp shoe. And yes, I went to Zara, tried them on and decided not to buy. I don’t know, they didn’t look so well on me… Not to mention the awful fit! So I bought these nude babies instead. Now don’t get me wrong, these are uncomfortable too but at least they fit me better and they go with everything. And they’re preeeeeeeetty! <3

Daca tineti minte postarea asta, vociferam prin ianuarie dupa varianta neagra a modelului d’Orsay facut de Zara. Am fost in magazine in perioada aia, i-am si probat, hotarata sa-i cumpar daca sunt ok. N-au fost. Defapt imi veneau foarte ciudat (am probat doua marimi crezand ca e de vina marimea, dar nu, erau ciudati cap-coada) si nu ma simteam deloc bine in ei. Am renuntat si mi i-am cumparat la ceva timp pe astia nude. Acum…sa nu intelegeti ca ar fi vreo lumina, tot sunt durerosi si parca-mi aud degetele plangand cand ii port, dar macar imi vin bine si am mai multe lucruri la care ii pot purta (plus, sa nu uitam ca sunt frumosi). Ca e o prostie sa-ti cumperi pantofi care iti ranesc picioarele, da, sunt de acord…

Likey or no likey? 


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