

EN: So last Thursday I went to the launch of the first Stefanel concept store in Romania. It was a very classy event, with lots of people, some celebrities, good food and music, a fashion show and of course, pretty clothes and accessories. Speaking about the clothes…I liked the rich textures, the wide range of colors and the modern cuts. The shoes were quite interesting as well, and very wearable (i suppose) because of the medium height heels. In conclusion, i liked the collection, i think it’s a great choice for this season but the prices are a bit too high:)
(See the bottom of this post for the address of the store)

RO: Joia trecuta am mers la lansarea primului concept store Stefanel din Romania. A fost un eveniment foarte elegant, desfasurat intr-o locatie si mai eleganta (voi posta adresa la finalul postarii), plin de oameni, inclusiv ceva dudui care apar la televizor, mancare si muzica buna, o prezentare de moda si desigur, haine si accesorii frumoase. Cu privire la produse, din ce am vazut, mi-au atras atentia texturile bogate, paleta cromatica diversificata si taieturile moderne. Incaltamintea interesanta si ea, si banuiesc purtabila: tocuri decent de purtat toata ziua si modele actuale. In concluzie, din ce am vazut, mi s-a parut o colectie foarte ok pentru sezonul rece. Preturile in schimb, sunt destul de usturatoare. In special pentru un buget de roman:)

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I wouldn’t mind owning a pair of these grey booties.

Nu m-ar deranja sa am botinele astea pe gri.

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Or maybe the yellow ones?

Sau poate astea galbene?

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Lots of fluffy knits

Multe tricotaje pufoase

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Leopard print. Mi-aaaaaaaaaau!

Imprimeu de leopard. Mi-aaaaaaaaaaaaau!

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Bags and hats

Genti si palarii

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I was happy to spend the evening with Olivia, Dianna, Mihaela and I finally got to meet Denisa and Alice.

Mi-a parut bine sa petrec seara alaturi de Olivia, Dianna, Mihaela siiiiii! am reusit in sfarsit performanta de a le cunoaste pe Denisa si Alice. Aplauze va rog.

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Later on, the girls from Bucharest style arrived, Raluca & Sil.

Mai tarziu au aparut si fetele de la Bucharest style, Raluca & Sil.


As for me, I wore the same outfit you saw in the last post, except for the shoes. Thank you Olivia for the photos!

Cat despre mine, am purtat (dupa cum v-am spus) aceiasi tinuta din postarea precedenta, cu exceptia pantofilor. Multumiri Oliviei pentru poze:*



Address: Piaţa Romană, nr 3, Bucureşti


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