The black and white cake

Coming from a family of food lovers where every meal must end with a dessert definitely leaves marks on you. No, I’m not talking about weight or body issues(I hate the obsession created around that crap!) but, what I’m trying to point out is the connections we establish between food and our memories.(at least from my point of view). Speaking of desserts…I don’t know about you but I for one, have strong feelings for my granny’s sweets. And everytime she pampers me with cakes(everytime meaning all the time) I tend to connect the flavour with a certain memory from the past. Gimme cake with strawberry filling and I’ll think about my birthday, gimme mint ice cream and I’ll remember how I spoiled my aunt’s red dress, gimme homemade chocolate and I’ll soon be feeling like all of my face is covered with it, just as I did when I was a kid.

Atunci cand provii dintr-o familie de gurmanzi in care orice masa trebuie sa se incheie cu un desert, asta sigur lasa urme asupra ta. Nu, nu ma refer la greutate sau probleme fizice( urasc obsesia care s-a creat in jurul tampeniei asteia!) dar, ceea ce incerc sa evidentiez sunt legaturile pe care le formam intre mancare si aminitirile noastre(vorbesc in numele meu si din punctul meu de vedere, foarte probabil ca voi sa nu aveti amintiri cu batai pe cozonaci). Si vobind despre deserturi…eu am sentimente puternice pentu dulciurile bunica mii:D Si de fiecare data cand ma rasfata cu prajituri(de fiecare data insemnand mai mereu) tind sa fac legatura rapid intre aroma si un anumit moment din trecut. Tortul cu umplutura de capsuni ma va duce cu gandul la zilele mele de nastere, inghetata de menta imi va aminti de o rochie rosie a matusii mele pe care am distrus-o cu mult talent trantind o ditai bucata de inghetata verde pe ea, in timp ce ciocolata de casa ma va face sa ma simt de parca am ciocolata si-n urechi, asa cum faceam cand eram copil.

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There was also a cake…one of my favourites…called “black and white”. A delicious dessert with fluffy dough and many creamy layers of chocolate and cream. It tasted it divine but what I liked most about it was the aesthetic appeal. Literally, it was a black and white…cake. On the other hand… Being away from home most of the time with no one to cook for me, I don’t eat it that much today but everytime I wear this dress I start thinking about my granny’s black and white cake. Just like the cake, it’s one of my favourites and it makes me feel happy : )

Mai era o prajitura…una din preferatele mele…numita “prajitura alb si negru”. Delicioasa, facuta din aluat pufos si multe multe straturi cremoase de ciocolata, frisca si inca ceva ce habar n-am cum se numeste. Avea un gust senzational dar ce imi placea mie cel mai mult era aspectul. O prajitura pur si simplu…alba si neagra:D Pe de alta parte… Fiind departe de casa in cea mai mare parte a timpului fara cineva care sa ma hraneasca(traiesc pe baza de sandwichuri, habar n-am sa fac niciun ou prajit), nu o mai mananc atat de des dar de fiecare data cand port rochia asta ma gandesc la prajitura alb si negru a bunica mii. La fel ca prajitura, rochia e una din preferatele mele si ma face sa ma simt fericita : )

Dress/Rochie: vintage

Tights/Ciorapi: ASOS

Shoes/Pantofi: Forever21

Coat/Haina: vintage Pierre Cardin

Jewellery, hat, bag and belt/Bijuterii, palarie, geanta si curea: vintage


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