(Problem aka weather)
(no name pants and bag, Topshop sweater, New look booties, vintage Pierre Cardin coat, Oasap necklace)
EN: I got this vintage Pierre Cardin coat in my early years of thrifting, when I was in highschool. It was one of my first designer finds and I remember being SO excited and obsessed with it that I wore it like…5 days in a row. I don’t think these photos show the cut very well, but take my word for it: it’s a fabulous, unique, one-of-a-kind coat! (or at least that’s what I hope, haha, that no one else has it). I love pieces that tell a story and every time I find one I can’t help but wonder who would give away something like this…
RO: M-am intristat teribil zilele trecute vazand cum se intoarce iarna… Ma entuziasmasem cu un aplomb teribil, acum departe de realitate, la ideea primaverii si-a caldurii. Incepusem sa-mi asez cizmele si hainele groase in cutii, departe de vazul meu pentru urmatoarele 7-8 luni, sa despachetez sandale si pantofi, sa cumpar fuste inflorate si sa probez jachete de bumbac. Ieri am indraznit sa-mi fac un coc si sa ies afara – am rezistat un maxim de 5 minute fara sa ma desfac la par si sa-mi acopar capul. Batea un vant incredibil!
Ce port aici se numeste uniforma. Anti-degerat (am purtat variatiuni alei tinutei asteia cam tot weekendul). Poate parea soare afara si-o adiere usoara-n parul meu, alaturat textilelor aparent subtiri, dar in realitate, am avut parte de mega ploi, rafale de vant si friguri crancene, demne de cele doua bluze aflate dedesubtul puloverului albastru si-a ciorapilor obligatorii. Plus esarfa din geanta. Inca putin si revin la manusi…