EN: To make it up to you for my lack of posting lately, I’m posting below a mini collection of photos with some of my work outfits. All taken with my phone since the camera is way too heavy for me to carry to work. Not exactly your typical work outfits, but hey, maybe you’ll find a bit of inspiration here 🙂
So here it goes:
RO: Ca sa dreg putin busuiocul pentru limitarea postarilor din ultima perioada, am strans mai jos o mini colectie de poze cu work-outfits-something-something. Gen.
In traducere libera, poze facute cu telefonul (prea greu aparatul) a ce-am purtat in ultima perioada la munca – din fericire pentru mine, mediul e suficient de relaxat si prietenos cat sa nu-mi ingradeasca nebunelile vestimentare. So, luati d’aici:
(vintage pants, thrifted sequin top, Mini Prix sandals, Zara bag, H&M sunnies)
I’m not going to tell you how cheap my sandals were – you’ll hate me afterwards, that’s why.
Bine, voua va zic. Super sandale de la Mini Prix pentru 9 lei. Cat o sticla jumate de Cola : >
(handmade skirt, Asos top, vintage belt, Oasap bag)
Also an work outfit, I just took the photo inside of an H&M changing room. Wearing my favourite maxi skirt ever…
Tot o tinuta de munca, atata tot ca am facut poza intr-o cabina de proba in H&M parca. Deh, ce face Facebookul din anti-facebook people… Eu bre, eu.
Self portrait, showing off my now defunct bugs necklace 🙁 RIP.
Frumos colierul meu? Misto gandacii? Va plac carnea, astea?
Eh, a raposat. Mi-a cazut ditai pietroiu’ din ala albastru, dracu stie pe unde, si nu-l mai pot purta. Gata cu gandacii la gat.
(vintage Levi’s jeans, Primark t-shirt, River Island sandals, no name necklace, Oasap bag)
(H&M skirt, vintage corset, Zara sandals, River Island bracelet)
Yep, the H&M skirt I showed you in my last post. That’s how much I love it!
(River Island trousers, Zara necklace and sandals, Oasap bag)
Very glamorous, indeed.
(vintage Levi’s jeans, River Island sandals, no name t-shirt, H&M earrings)
(Bershka pants, H&M sandals, Oasap bag)
Harem pants! Yes, I know you love’em.
Eeeeeh? Haremi haremi, stiu ca va plac. Si acum suferiti ca n-am poza full, este?

(H&M dress and sandals)
Those ARE flats, yes. I do wear them sometimes.
Stiu, e intr-adevar o poza in oglinda, in baie. Aveti voie sa faceti misto de mine forever. Ma conformez docil ^:)^