(Zara pants and sandals, Oasap shirt, bracelet and bag, H&M sunnies)
EN: It’s incredibile how quickly these pants wrinkle. I love the cut and how they feel against my skin so much but crease wise, the fabric sucks. Anyway, I bought them from Zara about two months ago and wore them at least once a week since then, including last weekend. My brother came to visit me in Bucharest so I had a very busy and tiring weekend showing him around. I was actually planning to catch up on sleep those days, but hey, I guess family comes first. So this is what I wore last Saturday, including my new shirt and bracelet from Oasap. I just received this month’s package and this pretty shirt is one of the 3 that I ordered. I love how comfortable and light it feels, not to mention the happy, colorful print 🙂 Paired it with my pink Oasap bag, H&M sunnies and Zara sandals. Speaking of Zara…
RO: Incredibil cat de rau se pot sifona pantalonii astia. Imi plac atat de mult cum sunt croiti si cum se simt pe piele si totusi sunt enervant de sensibili la miscare. Trecem peste – sa nu uitam ca vorbim de Zara, locul unde eu (de regula) am interdictie la pantaloni. Printr-o coincidenta fericita, am avut norocul de a-i prinde pe astia acum vreo 2 luni si i-am purtat de atunci, cred ca cel putin o data pe saptamana. Weekendul trecut fiind una dintre datile astea, cu ocazia unei vizite – extrem de obositoare, a fratelui gras, in Bucuresti. Pentru 2 zile, am avut grija sa ne alergam reciproc prin cateva toate colturile mizerabile ale orasului, insistand pe centru, Starbucks (mda) si spre nefericirea lui, in vreo 2 Zare. Despre nefericirea mea, mai jos.
Have you checked the new collection? Personally, I pretty much hate it – way too minimalist and shapeless for me, BUT there are a few pieces which would make me a very happy lady. Top of the list – these otk boots. I’m obsessed with their soft suede and the way they fit around the leg and the only reason why I haven’t bought them yet is the price. I just can’t justify spending $200 in Zara…
Zara. Colectia noua, asta de toamna-iarna. In opinia mea, nasoala. Cu cateva exceptii notabile, cea dintai fiind cizmele de le pozez aici in oglinda. Imi plac mult spre foarte mult spre as manca iaurt toata luna viitoare ca sa mi le pot permite. Nu ca n-as avea cu ce ma incalta, nu ca n-as avea cizme peste genunchi, nu ca n-as avea cizme din piele intoarsa peste genunchi , dar astea sunt geniale! Tocul e un pic dezamagitor la o inaltime incerta de 9-10 cm, dar…vin bine, stau pe picior (nu cad!) si sunt facute dintr-o piele moale, foarte placuta la atingere. Au trecut cateva zile de cand le-am probat si inca dezbat cu mine insami daca merita 600 ron…
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