I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Mine couldn’t have been better- took a trip to the mountains, had lots of fun, enjoyed way too much food and spent time with someone veeeery special to me. Haven’t finished processing the photos yet, so I’ll probably show them to you in the next couple of days…
For the time being, here are some pics from last week. I wore this to run errands and do some shopping with my friend; animal prints all over the place, very loud and bold, bla, bla, bla, yes I know, but I love it!
(vintage Hermes shirt, no name pants, River Island sandals, vintage bag and sunnies, H&M ring, no name bracelet and earrings)
Speaking of shopping, here are some of my recent purchases…
(New Yorker bag/ Elle t-shirt/ Sheer Beauty perfume by Calvin Klein)
(No name printed tops and River Island coin purse)
(Asos floral top, River Island earrings/River Island floral skirt, River Island bracelets)
What’s this? Oh could it be?
Why yes it is. Once again, I bought a cropped top! Amazing detail…isn’t it?
Bought it from River Island.
(River Island shirt and bracelet)
(New Yorker polka dots top/ River Island pleated skirt)
RO: Scriam mai sus ca mi-am petrecut weekendul undeva in munti, departe de oras. Am fost aproape de Brasov (nu, nu in statiunile rasuflate, arhipopulate si manelizate), ci undeva inspre Fagaras, zona mai putin aglomerata. N-am avut acces la net zilele acestea (ha! Bine ca n-am luat laptopul cu mine, facebook mai imi trebuia acolo), ba chiar am si uitat de telefon. M-am intors seara trecuta, cu multe poze sa va arat, dar n-am apucat inca sa le descarc si sa ma ocup de procesarea lor cum trebuie. Maine sau poimaine sper sa postez o prima parte, am o groaza de tampenii pozate…
Imaginile de fata sunt de saptamana trecuta. Am fost la cumparaturi imbracata asa-mi-am luat atunci geanta din prima poza si aproape tot ce vedeti imprimat din haine. Foarte mare papornita, dar am obiceiul de a cumpara astfel de genti incapatoare, in care, daca e cazul, sa poata intra si chiuveta de bucatarie. S-a dovedit utila totusi (tananananaaaaa, am avut bagaj doar geanta asta! Socant, da)
Restul de gablonturi si textilele imprimate sunt (desigur) luate de pe River Island. La fel si bustiera aceea alba cu detalii superbe.
Cam toamna totusi…
Nu-i bai, vine ea vara.
Mai e putin.