(Bershka skirt, no name top, Zara denim shirt, Miu Miu shoes, vintage Louis Vuitton bag, vintage Nina Ricci scarf, no name sunnies and bracelets)
EN: I was all good to go, dressed up in an entirely different outfit, but decided I had to run in and change because chances are the killer heat has left the building! And I couldn’t be more happier! All of a sudden, scarves were adequate neck coverage, eligible in August, and it was more than natural to start layering up a bit. Two tops and and a scarf at the same time, is this for real?!? I swear, I’m so jealous of those people who live in warm climates year round (warm, as in 70-85°F, not steaming hot temperatures!) and don’t have to melt every summer or freeze in the winter!
All of that aside, it’s nice to be venturing into town early in the morning (for the first time in months) and feel its calmness as you walk through the quiet streets… I spent my morning in an empty café, catching up with my best friend while indulging in big mugs of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. Yum!
RO: Absolut minunat ca saptamana viitoare pe vremea asta voi fi in examen. Ce frumos, am o restanta de dat. Sa ne bucuram!
Probabil o sa absentez ceva mai mult pana scap de minunea asta (sau cel putin nu voi fi prea vocala) dar mi-am propus ca dupa ce ma intorc sa incarc shopul cu ceva mai multe produse (va multumesc inca o data pentru interes!), majoritar incaltaminte cu preturi pornind de la 25 ron. M-am apucat deja de fotografiat o parte si la cum estimez eu, vor fi in jur de 8 perechi… Plus alte bunatati!
Cu tinuta ce sa va spun, e asa un melanj din tot soiul de lucruri: no name, vintage, designer, highstreet, second-hand, toate adunate pe baza de cromatica.
Dubios e ca n-am murit de cald. In schimb m-au killerit pantofii aia.