EN: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I bet you were expecting one of those fancy posts where people show how many Chanel and Dior makeup products they own. Am I right or am I right?
Haha, well no, not this time (for the record, I don’t have any expensive makeup). What you’re seeing here is one of my cats, during his interrupted beauty sleep. In my Zara handbag.
And this is how WE (yes WE, not I) eat MY breakfast (insert finger tapping emoticon here). He enjoys cornflakes.
And yoghurt.
And cake. And pretty much everything I eat.
And this is how shopping is done. Still debating over those blue booties though…
Doamne, cat de dragalas e! Comportament tipic de matza nebuna :))
So cuuuuuuuuute!!! <3
:))))))Chiar aveam nevoie sa zambesc! Foarte dragut pisoi!
Ha ha!! Cuteness reloaded!! I think the any cat needs a pair of high heels, right?!
Doamne e adorabila:))))amandoua sunteti defapt:)))
so cute!
Haha what an adorable post! xo
Hahaha love this! My cat eats everything I eat too!
Probably the best 'What's in my bag' post ever! Kitty's so cute!
Asta e Bubu? Pare mai mic..e altcineva :))
Asa se baga si a mea in orice.
Si ce tocuri nebune au alea..omg omg!
Haha! Very funny pics, love it
Animalul meu ( e un alint de fapt ) mananca banane , si tot ce e facut din aluat , cozonac , gogosi , etc . L-as lasa si eu sa manance si sa bea cu mine , dar el are prostul obicei sa incerce inainte cu labuta :)) Asa ca , nu-mi las mancarea si bautura pe mainile lui :)) Dar sta langa mine si primeste si el 🙂 E slabut pisu tau , dar e un frumos . E castrat ? Ma gandesc la al meu , daca nu era , „rezolva” geanta , o amprenta :))
caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat am putut sa ma distrez la postarea asta :))))) foarte tare tuu :*:*:*
@Mogio: :)) Hahaha, si Bubu al meu e animaloi…Dar vorbesc aici despre alta pisica, am vreo 4 in total 🙂
In orice caz, matzul asta e inca pui, d'aia e asa slabut. Urmeaza sa-l pun la cura de ingrasa oricum :)) Si nu, nu e castrat! Dar e cumintel, deocamdata n-a lasat amprente:P
@Iulia Romana: :)) Ma bucur ca ti-a placut:*
Thank you all! xoxo
ce miorlau dragut!
Haha I kinda shocked when I saw the first picture,
love the kitten though!
o lasi sa manancedin lingura ta? si apoi mananci de pe urma ei? …scarbos. dar ma rog…fiecare cu piticii lui
Daca ala-i Rumbu e clar cum a ajuns atat de „suplu” :))