EN: If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you may have noticed that my attraction to minimalism is practically non-existent. Minimalism in art, in music, in fashion, technology, arhitecture, interior design or lifestyle-you name it, I hate it.
For me, more is always more.
And that’s why, even I was surprised to notice how badly I wanted these sandals.
The rest is history.
For me, more is always more.
And that’s why, even I was surprised to notice how badly I wanted these sandals.
The rest is history.
RO: Daca ati mai trecut pe aici inainte de postarea asta, ati observat probabil ca atractia mea spre minimalism (fie ea in ceea ce priveste arta, muzica, moda, tehnologia, arthitectura, designul interior sau ca stil de viata) e nula.
Nu sunt adepta filosofiei “less is more”, ma plictiseste, ma enerveaza, nu-mi place, nu e pentru mine.
Pentru mine, mai mult este intotdeauna mai mult.
Si din cauza asta, chiar si eu am fost surprinsa de puterea de seductie a acestor simple, umile, dar irezistibile sandale.
Restul e istorie.